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Lisa's Page

Lee's Page



July 14-22

Before and after camp!

August 16-25

Picture Gallery!!!!


Memorable Flagg House Quotes

August 30- The Picture Gallery is now here. Sorry for the crappy quality and bad captoins. The pictures are way off scale and are hard to see since I did them at 72 dpi. heheh. Not much has happened since my last update, so I don't think I will write anything else. Hope you enjoy. By the way, I apologize to Springfield people. I don't have anypictures of you in the last 3 years. I think that 7th and 8th grade pictures are a little out of date. Unless you wanted me to use your freshman yearbook picture. Whatever though.

August 29- I have been packing so much today! I also watched part of Airborne. I have already seen it before, but I must stress how good of a movie it is. The wave is mine. What a great portrayal of life for me. The wave is mine. Pepe the shark, I have so many of those. If you have no clue what I am talking about, I will explicate. This surfer has a dream. He has the best wave, and he sees a shark that makes Jaws look like a guppy. Well, the shark tells him in Spanish La Ola es mia. The wave is mine. See, the wave was his girlfriend and the shark was her brother. he says, "This wave is perfect. There will always be sharks, bt I can't let them scare me away. The wave is mine." Thought that just might be informational to some people.
Well, I am using Page builder now. It is ok. Nothing special.
I have been talking to Heather Berryan recently. She has read everything on this page! She also found an error. The July archive has now been fixed.
I have tried to update this page so many times. Page Builder Blows!
I don't really feel like writing this stuff again, so I am going to do technical mumbo-jumbo!
Airborne will be shown again at 12:05 est. on TBS. I reall think a certain person should watch it because it is so me. I am Mitchell.

August 26- Hmm. Latter parts of the month are not very good to me. It has been a month since Lisa and I broke up. Now, I find out that there is no chance for us. Well, I am not very happy these days.
Not much has been going on. I am going with Paul to the club tommorrow. I am working on my application for a tv show at Andover. I still need a name though.
I really don't know what to write up on this page anymore since I have 5 viewers.
I have some new life goals. From now on, I am going to try and rid myself of emotions. They are nothing but trouble. What is the point of them anyway? Everything always ends terriblly. I hate it. Why does nothing ever turn out good for me? Maybe it is me. I think I am going to need this time away from everything before I go back to school. My life is so sad now. I am in love with a girl who doesn't want me, I have no friends anymore, I have no chance of getting inot a good college, I won't be able to take the intership at Dell, all I ever do is watch tv with my dad or sit here at this damn computer. I have no direction in life. Well, I did; but I was just told that it didn't want me.
On a side note, I passed mt flight test today. I got a 96%. I wish I could just go to bed forever. Nothing good ever happens when I am awake