Important Reminder for All Chapters in Southwest District!!!
If you are interested with the 2001 National Convention, please submit the Host Chapter Application Form ASAP! Applications are due to the Headquarters by April 15th, 2000. The application form was sent to you in a recent mailing, so all chapter presidents should have a copy (it is the bright neon yellow-green paper!).
All chapters in the Southwest District are eligible, so please get your application form in on time!
Lt Col Alan Bonner, USAF (Ret.)
National Executive Director
Southwest District Officer
Candidacy Announcements
Cecil Crabtree, Alpha Psi
Vice President
Burt Daigle, Iota Upsilon
Robbie Lee, Delta Sigma
Courtney Ratliff, Epsilon Kappa
Billy Saterfield, Theta Phi
Rolando Cantu, Jr., Theta Alpha
Daniel Mejia, Epsilon Theta
Jason Montier, Gamma Theta
Joesph Shropshire, Lambda
***Candidates, please remember to follow the guidelines listed in the Southwest District Constitution***
NewsNotes On-Line
Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Electronic Newsletter Volume 1, Number 1
February 4, 2000
· Headquarters Staff Changes
· National Council Winter Meetings January 13-15, 2000
· TBS Wipes Out Capital Improvement Debt
· Search is on for new KKPsi & TBS Chapter Field Representatives
· The First National Intercollegiate Marching Band French Riviera Tour
1. Introducing the new CyberNewsletter for Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma
by Lt Col Alan Bonner, National Executive Director
Since the National Convention last summer, there has been some discussion among the National Councils as to how best we can keep the membership informed of activities, issues, and concerns that are on-going. With the demise of NewsNotes, we no longer have an easy publication available to fill in the gap between PODIUM issues. I belong to a number of professional organizations, and one in particular, the American Society of Association Executives, began publishing an electronic newsletter this past year. It seemed to me a similar product developed by the Headquarters and National councils could be an excellent resource to fill that gap for us. This is the first issue of what I hope proves to be a worthwhile product for you.
Our method of dissemination will be to prepare monthly; include only a few articles per issue; and distribute by way of email to each District Governor, Counselor, and Council, as well as National Boards, Councils, and the NAA. It would be the district leaders' responsibility to forward to their respective chapters, who in turn would forward to each member. I also intend to post each issue on the list serve, so there will be some redundancy.
Please keep in mind this is a project 'under construction' so to speak. I hope it will serve the Fraternity and Sorority in a positive way. Of course, we are interested in feedback, so if you have contributions, suggestions, or constructive criticisms, I would like to hear from you. The Headquarters email address is:, and we check it everyday!
2. Headquarters New Staff Changes by Alan Bonner & Dixie Mosier-Greene, Office Manager and Membership Services Coordinator
After a month long search, we are pleased to announce the hiring of two new staff members. Our new Headquarters Accountant is Debbie Farris. Debbie has 20 years of accounting experience and an MBA from Phillips University. She and her family recently relocated to Stillwater from Ponca City, Oklahoma. We have also found a new Publications Manager. He is Mike McMurtrey from Stillwater, and he brings a wealth of publication experience to the position. He has actually worked on a number of our products including The PODIUM in the past two years, so he is ideally suited for KKPsi & TBS publications.
Our staff situation has been a little 'volatile the past year. After so many years of little change in the Headquarters Staff, it is clear we will face new challenges in attracting individuals who look for stability in a job or career. Last year, long time National Administrator, Gwen Wilburn, retired after 21 years with Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma. Just prior to that, Lucy McCoy, Office Secretary/Receptionist, resigned to pursue a doctoral program.
Beginning January 1999, we had three new staff persons on board, Diane Smith - Publications Manager, Michelle Mahaffey - National Accountant, and Cordy Wheeler, Office Secretary/Receptionist. In December 1999, two members of our staff resigned. Cordy submitted her resignation to go back to school to seek a degree in education, and we strongly support her career goals. A short time later, Michelle was offered a position with one of the area's larger employers, and although we hated to lose her, it was a terrific move for her. But, not all was done with staff changes... In January, Diane was offered a new position in Stillwater with one of our leading dental offices, and unfortunately for us, she accepted.
We were most fortunate to have Rachel Karnes, a member of the Alpha Delta Chapter of TBS from Ohio University, move to Stillwater. Actually, she has ulterior motives in that she is the new fiancée of KKPsi CFR, Jeremy Thomas, and she hopes to begin her teaching career in the fall of 2000. However, we needed a new Secretary/Receptionist and when offered the position, Rachel agreed! We are thankful!
With Debbie and Mike coming on board this month, we should be back on track shortly with all our projects and responsibilities. We are happy to have them join the Headquarters Staff, and I hope you will drop them an email to welcome them to KKPsi & TBS. As Publications Manager, Mike will continue using the PODIUM email address: Similarly, Debbie's will continue using the accountant address:
3. National Council Winter Meetings January 13-16, 2000
A. Kappa Kappa Psi Summary Report by Dr. Michael Golemo, National President
The members of the Kappa Kappa Psi National Council, including the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, the past National President, and the KKPsi Chapter Field Representative met both separately, and jointly with the National Council of Tau Beta Sigma for our mid-year meeting January 13-16. We reviewed and performed the normal maintenance activities of the fraternity, e.g., awards/programs, membership, finances, activities, and chapter problems.
We are delighted with the sound financial position of the fraternity, and we are enjoying a continued surge in colonization. In fact, we believe that we have never had more colonies than currently exist. We will soon have 170 chapters -- this is record growth!
We continue to share a positive spirit of collaboration with Tau Beta Sigma, and are working jointly in a number of areas, including colonization and membership.
The National Council and Board of Trustees are meeting February 11-13 in Indianapolis, IN for a weekend of strategic planning & action meetings. These sessions allow us to get away from the day-to-day maintenance-type meeting, and allow us to "look at the big picture" and find ways to achieve larger goals and formulate ways to help our brotherhood meet the future needs of college and university bands.
B. Tau Beta Sigma Summary Report by Karon Miller, National President
The Tau Beta Sigma National Council met in Las Vegas for our Winter Council Meeting January 13-16, 2000. It was a very productive time for the council as we reviewed all areas of the Sorority. It was during this meeting that the first Paula Crider Outstanding Band Director Award was decided. We were very excited to have received 6 nominations, and it was a difficult decision. The recipient will be announced at a later date. For the first time in a very long time we were able to have both the Chairman, Patsy Hejl and the Vice Chairman Debbie Baker, of the Board of Trustees in attendance. It provided the National Council the opportunity to share with the board our ideas directly and receive their wise counsel and advice. It was also reported that our membership numbers are excellent, as we were at 108% of our membership from this time last year.
With the KKPsi council we began making plans for the 2001 National Convention in Corpus Christi, TX, which promises to be great. The TBS council is always appreciative of the healthy collaboration we have with KKPsi.
4. TBS Wipes Out Capital Improvement Debt
Great news! As of December 31, 1999 the Capital Improvement Debt for Tau Beta Sigma has been PAID IN FULL! Thanks to a terrific fall with active and initiate memberships, and a timely contribution by a TBS Alumnus, we were able to eliminate the last remaining major debt of the Sorority. The improvements that the KKPsi & TBS National Councils made in the National Headquarters were important and will be long lasting, but it was a financial challenge for us, and we will continue to operate frugally until our financial standing is a bit more stable. The TBS National Council urges all chapters, members, and alumni to consider the major contribution programs available to you, including the SOS Campaign, the Century Club, and the Brick Program as possible ways you can help us more quickly get back to a more solid financial position. We are on the right track, and we will get there!
5. Search is on for new Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma CFRs.
This summer, Jeremy Thomas and Chaundra Zelinski will complete their two-year terms as Chapter Field Representatives for Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma respectively. Applications are being accepted this spring and deadlines are as follows: For KKPsi: March 15, 2000 and for TBS: April 1, 2000. If you think you are qualified and are interested, look for more information in the Winter Issue of The PODIUM, which you should receive very shortly. If you need to talk to a real person, please call the National Headquarters or contact the National Vice Presidents for Colonization & Membership, Kirk Randazzo for KKPsi and Sylvia Halbardier for TBS. Contact information is available on the National HQs Homepage at
6. Announcing the First National Intercollegiate Marching Band French Riviera Tour.
The National Councils for KKPsi & TBS have announced the creation of a new national program in response to many suggestions and recommendations in recent years. The National Intercollegiate Marching Band will be a terrific opportunity to experience a different culture, march in several parades with your brothers & sisters, and have one incredible trip to France. The 1st Biennial NIMB will take place June 26 to July 5, 2002, and registrations will be accepted beginning this spring 2000. Cost of the trip will be approximately $1600 and initial deposit of $100 is due June 1, 2000. There are too many details to include in this article, but you will find complete details in the Spring issue of The PODIUM in March. You can also watch for complete announcement, details and registration form on the National HQs Homepage in the near future.
NewsNotes On-Line
Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Electronic Newsletter Volume 1, Number 2
February 28, 2000
· KKPsi Announces Grant Program for Concert Band Guest Conductors & Performing Artists
· Colonel Bryan Shelburne named as Conductor for the 2001 National Intercollegiate Band
· National Headquarters Announces new Web-based Service for KKPsi & TBS
· Reminders
1. KKPsi Grant Program for Concert Band Guest Conductors & Performing Artists
by Al Sergel, KKPsi National Vice President for Professional Relations
The National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi has created a Matching Funds/-Grant Program to provide financial support for guest conductors and performing artists with college/university concert bands. These matching funds from the National Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi have been designated to promulgate the "mission" of Kappa Kappa Psi promoting the advancement of college and university bands through dedicated service and support to bands; comprehensive education; leadership opportunities; and recognition; for the benefit of its members and society. This Kappa Kappa Psi Matching Funds/- Grant Program is an open process whereby all college and/or university band directors are invited to submit grant proposals that fulfill the guidelines and purposes of the grant. Grants will be up to $500.00 and paid to the institution upon completion of the program and submitting the final report. The guidelines and principles for this funding were initiated to recognize the significance of providing guest conductors and performing artists to work with our concert bands. These opportunities serve to enrich, inspire and enhance our college band members' experience. These memorable events in turn provide the public audience with special musical experiences. The Matching Funds/- Grant Program of Kappa Kappa Psi has three fundamental principles:
1. The funded project will include at least one public performance by one or more of the college/university concert bands featuring the guest conductor(s) and/or performing artist(s).
2. The funded project will be student centered with a clear focus to the improvement of teaching and learning through workshops, master classes and/or clinics provided by the guest conductor(s) and/or performing artist(s).
3. The funded project will clearly demonstrate the standard of excellence and musical achievements of the guest conductor(s) and/or performing artist(s).
IF INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT THE KAPPA KAPPA PSI NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS FOR THE APPLICATION. 1-800-543-6505 or email or Al Sergel, KKY National Vice President for Professional Relations (660) 562-1794 email
2. Colonel Bryan Shelburne named as Conductor for the 2001 National Intercollegiate Band
Colonel Bryan Shelburne, the Leader & Commander of The United States Army Band, "Pershing's Own", will conduct the 2001 National Intercollegiate Band in Corpus Christi, Texas! When Colonel Shelburne assumed command of the band in 1990, he became only the sixth appointee to serve as leader and commander since the band's formation in 1922. Col Shelburne has held a variety of important assignments during his Army career, including Executive Officer and Associate Director of the Armed Forces Bicentennial Band, Commander of the Headquarters, US Army Europe Band, and two assignments as Commandant of the Army element, Armed Forces School of Music in Norfolk, Virginia. Prior to his appointment in Washington, DC, he commanded the US Military Academy Band at West Point.
Since assuming command, Col Shelburne has appeared with "Pershing's Own" at the 1990 Economic Summit of the Industrialized Nations in Houston; at the Swedish Army Tattoo in Strangnas, Sweden in 1990; and at the Globe Arena in Stockholm, Sweden in 1994. In 1993 he conducted the band during the "Nationale Taptoe" in Breda, Holland; in 1994 at "The Viking Ship" Olympic Hall in Hamar, Norway during the Norwegian Military Tattoo. Col Shelburne and the band also appeared before thousands from around the world during the 1996 Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Scotland.
In addition, The US Army Band and Col Shelburne have appeared in many performances at the White House, before our national leaders in Washington, DC, and throughout the United States. Col Shelburne will bring an international presence to the National Intercollegiate Band at the 2001 National Convention, so make your plans early to audition and participate in a truly exciting musical, fraternal event!
3. New Web-based Service Ready to Launch!
by Lt Col Alan Bonner, USAF (Ret.), National Executive Director
How would you like to have an email address that clearly identifies you with KKPsi or TBS? Or, how about a chat room just for your chapter or district? Those possibilities are about to become realities in the next few weeks, as we expand the services available to our membership. We've reached an agreement with a new company here in Stillwater, to provide a variety of services to our members, and your own Fraternity or Sorority email account will be the first step. The Board of Trustees, National Councils, and District Governors & Counselors are 'beta testing' this week, and I hope to officially open up the service next week. Stand by for more details!
· Applications due for Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Chapter Field Representatives:
For KKPsi: March 15, 2000
For TBS: April 1, 2000
· District Convention Dates! Get your registration & reservations in!!! Remember... you must have a current year membership card (1999-2000) to be able to register and participate!!! If you have a problem, please give our HQs National Secretary/Receptionist, Rachel Karnes, a call at the National HQs at 1-800-543-6505 or email her at
March 23 - 26 Southeast at Clemson
March 30 - 1 North Central at Cincinnati
March 30 - 1 Northeast at West Virginia
April 7 - 9 Western at Cal Poly
April 14 - 16 Midwest at Minnesota
April 14 - 16 Southwestern at Hot Springs
· Initiate Registration Reports
Many chapters are completing the Spring Initiate Season in time to get your new Active Members ready for District Convention. REMEMBER, you have 30 days following the Initiation Date to submit your Initiate Report to the National Headquarters and avoid the Late Fees! We want to have your new Actives' Membership Cards ready for District Convention, and we would like to help you avoid unnecessary expenses! If you have any questions, call the National Headquarters or email us!
· Applications accepted beginning June 1, 2000 for the First National Intercollegiate Marching Band French Riviera Tour, June 26 to July 5, 2002.
5. Distribution of NewsNotes On-Line
As this is the second of our electronic newsletters, we did discover that a few chapters did not receive the first issue. To make this an effective publication, we need your help to ensure each issue is forwarded to all chapters, and ultimately to every individual member. If you are a District Governor, Counselor, or President, please take action to confirm that all your chapters actually receive each issue, by asking for a reply confirmation. If you don't get that from all chapters, please follow up with those missing.
We do have a few chapters that are not on line, so we will send those out hard copy. If you know of anyone who is unable or unwilling to provide you with an email address or unable or unwilling to check into a district or national listserve, please let the HQs know, and we will send them a hard copy. It's not as efficient or cost effective, but we want everyone to be able to have this information! Please double check with all your chapters!
NewsNotes On-Line Volume 1, #3 FLASH NewsNotes On-Line
Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Electronic Newsletter Volume 1, Number 3
March 8, 2000 ##FLASH## ISSUE
* New Web Based Service is READY!!! *
1999 National Convention Minutes and NewsNotes On-Line are available on the Headquarters Homepage
1. INBOX, Inc is the new company providing web service to Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma and is located near the National Headquarters in Stillwater, Oklahoma. We have joined with INBOX, Inc to establish separate websites for KKpsi and TBS to enable each member of the Fraternity & Sorority to have his/her own email address at no cost. If having an email address that clearly identifies you with KKPsi or TBS interests you, then this new member benefit is for you!
Here's all you need to do... 1. Connect to or, depending on your affiliation and register. 2. You're ready to use the service. 3. If you have any problems, questions, or suggestions, please email INBOX, Inc through the Feedback button on either site, or contact us at the Headquarters. Current features include email and member search features (to find other registered members only). Future plans include chat rooms and photo album features. As our members register on these websites, the data collected will assist the National Headquarters in maintaining accurate and complete information of all Active & Alumni Members in our database.
2. Effective immediately, NewsNotes On-Line and the 1999 National Convention Minutes are available from the National Headquarters Homepage. Click on the Updates and Announcements Tab, and you will be able to view, print, or download at your leisure. The Minutes are in a PDF Format, which requires Adobe Acrobat Viewer, also available for download at the same location. Have fun and see you at one of the District Conventions!