Coming soon. The first official district council meeting will be in August 2000.
New Mexico Arkansas Louisiana Texas Oklahoma
Revised 2000
I. General
1.01 The name of this organization shall be the Southwest District of Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity for College and University band members.
1.02 Whereas, Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity and Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary sorority for College and University band members, are recognized as separate sets of officers, rituals, histories, and traditions, it is hereby stated that the two organizations shall remain such, and that the Southwest District Constitution of Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity shall not merge or unite in any way with the Southwest District Constitution of Tau Beta Sigma Sorority in such a way that one constitution may govern both bodies.
1.03 This document shall take effect upon the favorable vote of 75% of the voting delegation of the 1997 District Convention and after approval of the National Executive Director and National Council. Upon these approvals, all previous district constitutions shall no longer be in effect.
1.04 This constitution shall in no way conflict with or receive priority over the National Constitution except upon the approval of the National Council.
1.05 This Constitution may be amended by a 75% vote of the voting delegates at a district convention. The proposed amendment must be presented in writing to the Jurisdiction Committee. They shall examine the proposal during the course of the convention and report their recommendation to the entire delegation, at which time it shall be voted upon. If three-fourths of the votes cast by the delegation are declared adopted, and upon after such adoption, it shall be operative and effective, at the conclusion of the convention, unless otherwise noted.
1.06 If a favorable vote on a proposed amendment is less than 75%, yet there is a majority vote, the proposed amendment shall be tabled until the next regularly called District Convention of the Fraternity. During the interim between conventions, it shall be published in the minutes of the convention at which it was proposed under the caption "proposed amendments to the constitution." If at the next regularly called convention it shall receive 75% of the votes cast, it shall become operative and effective immediately, contingent upon approval by the National Executive Director and National Council unless otherwise stated in the amendment.
1.07 The Southwest District of Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity expressly prohibits discrimination by any component part of the fraternity on the basis of race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, physical or mental handicap, marital, or veteran status. Rather it is the policy of the fraternity to foster a spirit of mutual understanding and respect among all people, especially those involved with college and university bands, remembering that music is the universal language.
II. Officers
2.01 The Southwest District shall be under the Jurisdiction of the District Governor(s). The elected officers of the Southwest District shall be the President, Vice-president, Secretary/Treasurer, and Members-at-Large.
2.02 The election of officers will be held at the last regularly scheduled separate meeting at Southwest District Conventions. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the delegates present and voting. If no simple majority is produced in officer elections, a run-off election shall be held between the two candidates with the highest number of votes. Officers shall serve a term of office of one year, from convention to convention.
2.03 Qualifications for each office shall be stated in the By-laws of the National Constitution.
2.04 Each person seeking a District Office shall submit a written resume and a letter of recommendation signed by the candidate's chapter, and each sponsor to the Nominations Committee at its initial meeting. The committee shall report on the eligibility of such candidates to the convention at the next session. All names approved by the Nominations Committee shall be read and automatically entered into nomination for the respective office. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the convention by an official delegate. The nominations Committee shall consider the additional nominees to determine eligibility at its next committee meeting following the nomination session. Election of officers shall occur at the last separate session. The committee may further recommend one candidate for each district office. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect.
2.05 The District President shall preside over all meetings of the district, and shall be responsible for the execution of programs, activities, committee reports, etc. at the district level as passed by the District Convention. The President shall call meetings of the district officers when necessary and advise the National Council on the selection of the District Governor(s).The President shall appoint and be a member ex-officio of all committees and shall render all possible assistance to the Governor(s). In the absence of the District Governor(s), the president shall be designated as the official representative of the district whenever such representation is required.
2.06 The District Vice President shall, in the absence of the District President, preside over all meetings. The Vice President shall coordinate expansion and colonization activities and has the authority to delegate responsibility to individual chapters contacting prospective schools. The Vice President shall act as liaison between the District Council/Convention and the Southwest District Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Directors seat on the National Alumni Association, to see that the needs of the Association are met at District Convention. The Vice President will immediately inform District Governor(s) when informed about a prospective colony by a sponsoring chapter. The Vice President shall coordinate internal activities for the District; internal activities being defined as membership growth and membership retention. The Vice President shall chair the Expansion and Credential Committees. The Vice President shall also act as Sergeant-At-Arms at the District Caucuses at the National Convention and will also be responsible for arranging meeting places at these conventions.
2.07 The District Secretary/Treasurer shall record, publish, and distribute to all chapters in the district, the District Governor(s), the National Council, the minutes of all meetings of the district within 30-60 days. The secretary/treasurer shall locate and correct all typographical/grammatical errors and remove all expired grandfather clauses from the District Constitution. The Secretary/Treasurer shall submit reports, on December 1 and April 1, of all changes to each chapter, District Officers, and District Governor(s). The Secretary/Treasurer shall control the receipts and disbursements of all moneys of the district. The Secretary/Treasurer will be required to submit an itemized list of all district expenditures on the following dates: December 1 and April 1. Copies of the itemized expenditures list will be furnished to all District Officers, the District Governor(s), and the National Headquarters. The Secretary/Treasurer will chair the Ways and Means Committee and shall distribute a District Constitution to each chapter in the fall term following a spring District Convention. The Southwest District Constitution shall be maintained on a 3.5 computer disk to be circulated to all new Secretary/Treasurers and a back-up disk will be available at District Headquarters. Corrections and modifications then need to be made to the disk each year after the District Convention.
2.08 The two District Members-at-Large shall be able representatives of the active chapters at all times. The members-at-large shall work with the officers in promoting communication with all chapters, colonies, and shall represent the district to the National Vice President for Student Affairs. They shall communicate with each chapter at least three times throughout the year. They shall also serve as the historians of the district and shall jointly chair the History and Traditions Committee. They shall be responsible for the Southwest District scrapbook and history book. The members-at-large shall correspond with each other on a regular basis and shall maintain a record of all correspondence between themselves and district chapters.
2.09 Each District Officer shall be required to submit an article or letter for publication in each issue of the NEW ALTO.
2.10 All the officers are authorized to organize a committee within their own chapters to assist in the operation of the office. It is the responsibility of their chapter to support them in any way needed.
2.11 All officers serve without compensation. Expenses of the officers, when authorized by the District Governor(s), shall be paid by the District upon the presentation of a valid receipt for money dispersed in the name of the District.
2.12 In the event the office of president becomes vacant prior to the end of the term of office, the highest ranking member shall automatically succeed to the office of president until the next convention. In the event of a vacancy in the offices of vice-president, secretary/treasurer, members-at-large, or alumni chair, the District Governor(s) shall notify all chapters of the vacancy. Any active members of the district may apply to the District President for the position. After 30 days of such notice, the remaining officers, subject to the approval of the District Governor(s), shall make an appointment to fill the vacancy. Persons filling vacancies shall serve until the next District Convention.
2.13 After January 1, all vacant District Offices shall be appointed by the District Council. Current District Officers shall not be eligible for any vacancies after January 1. All appointments are subject to approval of the District Governor(s). The Council shall immediately notify all chapters of the appointments.
III. Committees
3.01 The standing committees of the district will be Credentials, Ways and Means, Jurisdiction, Nominations, Publications, Joint Resolutions, Convention Site, Expansion, Morale and Participation, History and Traditions, Spirit, and Action Committee for Music Education. The District President may appoint other committees as deemed necessary.
3.02 All committee chairs and members shall receive the necessary materials relating to their committees at least 30 days prior to the district convention. The District Officer over each committee shall be responsible for submitting those materials.
3.03 Committee chairs shall be assigned by the president unless stated otherwise in this constitution. The president shall have the authority to appoint advisors to committees as he deems necessary. Notification of assignments will be sent out to each chapter 30 days prior to the District Convention.
3.04 The Credentials Committee shall examine, recommend, and submit to District Council all credentials of District Officers, Official Delegates, and Proxies to the District Convention. It will be composed of the District Vice President as Chair, and District Governor(s).
3.05 The Ways and Means Committee will examine, recommend, and submit all propositions related to the finances of the district. It will prepare an operating budget for the ensuing year and present it to the District Convention for approval. The committee will be chaired by the Secretary/Treasurer.
3.06 The Jurisdiction Committee shall examine, recommend, and submit to the District Convention, all propositions, revisions, and alterations for the amending of the District Constitution.
3.07 The Nominations Committee shall examine and submit to the District Convention, a list of all constitutionally qualified nominees for each office. The committee will also recommend one candidate for each office that it feels is the best qualified to be a District Officer.
3.08 The Publications Committee shall review the qualifications of the chapter(s) bidding for the publication rights of the District Newsletter and present its recommendation to the convention. This will be a joint committee with Tau Beta Sigma.
3.09 The Joint Resolutions Committee shall examine, recommend, and submit to the District Convention all propositions related to the Joint Resolutions for the consideration of the district.
3.10 The Convention Site Committee, a joint committee with Tau Beta Sigma, will review the qualifications of chapters bidding to host the next convention based on criteria established at the previous District Convention, and present its recommendation to the convention. This committee shall also reevaluate the criteria to be used at the next convention by those submitting bids. No member of a chapter presenting a bid may serve in any capacity on this committee.
3.11 The Committee of Expansion shall examine, recommend, and submit to the district assembled at the convention, all propositions related to colonization and reactivating within the district. The committee shall also consider matters of internal expansion and maintenance of active membership. This committee shall be chaired by the District Vice President.
3.12 The Morale and Participation Committee shall consider methods of boosting morale of the district in non-convention years. It shall also strive to increase attendance at area workshops and the National Convention. The committee shall present its recommendation to the district in the form of a report.
3.13 The History and Traditions Committee shall examine, recommend, and submit to the district all propositions related to the history and traditions of the Fraternity. The committee shall be co-chaired by the two District Members-At-Large.
3.14 The Spirit Committee shall examine the spirit of Brotherhood, fellowship, and participation at the annual District Convention and shall publicly recognize the winning chapter at the closing banquet or at any publicly announced time. This committee shall be chaired by the delegate from the chapter that won the Spirit Award at the convention two years previous. The member shall not be the chapter delegate. The remaining members of the committee shall be active members of the district, defined in Section 6.604 of the National Constitution, (Membership) as chosen by the District President. In the event that a chapter wins two years in a row, the District President shall appoint a member to take the place of the second member (this prevents one chapter from having two members on this committee). The Spirit Award shall be granted as per guidelines established in Appendix 3 of this constitution.
3.15 The Action Committee for Music Education, a joint committee with Tau Beta Sigma, shall discuss matters pertinent to the advancement of music education and submit ideas to chapters throughout the district that will help to stimulate local music programs.
IV. Delegates and Proxies
4.01 Each chapter in the district having paid its National, District, and past due assessments shall be represented at the District Convention by a delegate or proxy, as defined by section 5.601 of the National Constitution. This status will be determined by a listing from the National Office at a date one week prior to the opening session of the District Convention.
4.02 Each delegate and the alternative delegates of a chapter shall have an official statement signed by the local president and sponsor to the effect that they have been duly elected by their chapter. Each chapter in attendance at the District Convention may be assessed a delegate fee, payable to the secretary/treasurer, in an amount to be determined by the Ways and Means Committee. This fee is assessed at the discretion of the District Council with the approval of the National Executive Director.
4.03 The District President shall seat each chapter delegate alphabetically from the of active chapters present. If at the end of the first roll call, there are any lacking representatives, those chapters seated will be called upon alphabetically serve as proxies for the absent chapters. The first proxy shall come from the chapter following the last chapter to provide a proxy at the previous convention. No chapter shall hold more than two (2) proxies (i.e. shall hold more than three [3] voting seats). Should official chapter delegates appear following the seating of the proxies, the chapter's proxy shall cede the seat to the official chapter delegate.
4.04 An active chapter shall submit a written proxy designating any other active chapter, from its district, to represent at the District Convention. The written proxy must be submitted to the District President at least thirty (30) days prior to the opening session of the convention. The chapter issuing the proxy and the chapter designated as the proxy holder must be active with the National Headquarters. Written confirmation of the acceptance of the proxy must be made prior to the opening session of the convention. All proxies not meeting the above requirements are void. The District President shall notify the proxy-issuing and the proxy-designated chapters as soon as possible.
V. Meetings
5.01 A regularly called District Convention shall be held every year. The location is to be determined by the previous convention. I the absence of a decision by the convention, a site will be chosen by the District Governor(s). The date of the convention will be determined by the host chapter.
5.02 Special District Conventions may be called upon a favorable vote of 75% of the chapters in good standing, or upon recommendation of the District Governor(s) and the entire District Council.
5.03 Special Officer meetings of the district may be called by the president or District Governor(s) at their discretion.
5.04 Official delegates from the majority of the chapters of the district in good standing together with at least two (2) District Officers shall constitute a quorum at a
District Convention.
5.05 All chapters sponsoring the Southwest District Convention will be required to notify all participating chapters sixty (60) days in advance concerning service charges and information concerning dates and planned activities as approved by the National Council. The District Council will provide the host chapter such information as is required at least two (2) weeks in advance of this date.
5.06 The Southwest District will be divided into six (6) areas as indicated in Appendix 4. Each area will have a workshop for the chapters in that Area. Workshops will be held on a Saturday sometime before the District Convention (preferably in the early Spring semester). Workshops should include informational topics relating to Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma on the National, District, or Chapter level. Separate or joint sessions should include open forums to get more people involved. A District Officer shall be on hand to talk about issues relating to the District and the upcoming Convention. Chapters that are unable to attend their assigned workshops are encouraged to attend the workshop closest and/or most convenient to themselves. The location of each workshop will be determined by a majority vote of the previous workshop. Chapters need not be present to submit a request to host the next workshop. If a site is not chosen for a workshop, the site will be up to the Joint District Councils to ask a chapter to host the next workshop. Location and tentative dates for each workshop will be presented to the District Officers at the preceding District Convention. At least thirty (30) days notice should be given to the chapters in an area on the date and the host chapters should keep costs a minimum. There will be no compensation from the District accounts to host a workshop.
5.07 Each District Convention is encouraged to have a Keynote Speaker at the opening joint session. The speaker must be either an active, alumni, life, or honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma. The following guidelines will be followed in the selection of the keynote speaker:
A. The host chapters will notify all chapters in the district of the convention theme and the speaker deadline by October 1. The keynote Address shall include items of interest to both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma relating to music, band, or the organizations and should incorporate the district theme whenever possible. Each nomination must also be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from his/her chapter by December 1.
B. The joint host chapters shall review the nominations and select the top five candidates to be submitted to the Joint District Officers by January 15 for the final decision. The Keynote Speaker will be notified by January 31. Should the first selection be unable to attend, the second selected candidate shall be notified, etc. The candidates' speeches who are not selected will be given to the New Alto for possible publication.
C. The selected speaker shall have his/her district registration fees paid and their transportation costs paid, not to exceed $150.00. The fee allotment shall be divided equally between the Southwest District of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. Any amount exceeding the amount budgeted by the district will be covered by the host chapters.
D. The host chapters shall take care of all the arrangements for getting the speaker to the convention.
VI. Finances
6.01 All National dues and fees will be paid to the National Executive Director who will in turn deposit per capita to the district fund in two (2) annual payments, as stated in the National Constitution. The National Executive Director will deposit $2.00 for each member dues paid prior to January 1 and $2.00 for each initiate fee paid during the academic year. In addition, $2.00 for each member. Dues paid prior to January 1 are placed in a special fund which is divided equally among the six (6) districts.
6.02 Any active member dues received after January 1 will not be dispersed to the District.
6.03 District funds will be deposited through the National Headquarters Bank. Checks will be issued from the National Headquarters, after approval from the District Secretary/Treasurer and the District Governor(s).
6.04 All District Officers shall have a budget allocation (set at the convention prior to their term) from district funds to be used to carry out their duties and obligations.
6.05 All District Officers shall submit their final purchase requisitions to the secretary/treasurer by the end of a two week period after the close of that year's District Convention or forfeit and possible reimbursement.
6.06 At the end of each fiscal year, all unused funds and any Southwest District NIB scholarship funds that are not awarded will remain in the Southwest District account, of which the total NIB amount and 50% of the remaining funds will be used for commissioning works.
VII. Reports
7.01 Each officer, committee chairman, and chapter shall submit a report at each District Convention. This report shall be typewritten in triplicate and submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer, who shall keep one copy for the minutes of the convention and forward one copy to the national Headquarters and have one copy accessible to all chapters in attendance.
7.02 The Annual Chapter Report should include all criteria for the Superior Achievement Award.
7.03 Oral Presentations of Chapter Reports will be required unless deemed unnecessary by the District President and the delegation.
7.04 The Chapter Summary Reports need not be printed in the District Convention minutes unless deems necessary by the District Secretary Treasurer.
VIII. Publications
8.01 The name of the District Publication shall be the New ALTO.
8.02 Bids for the publication of the New ALTO shall be accepted at each regular convention. In the absence of any bids, the District Executive Council will select a publisher for the New ALTO.
8.03 The financing of the New ALTO shall be the responsibility of the district.
8.04 The New ALTO shall be published twice yearly. The publication dates will be November 15 and April 1. The host publisher shall set the deadline dates for the submission of articles. Said publisher will also be require to inform all chapters involved by mail, at least one month in advance of the deadline.
8.05 Publishers of the New ALTO are responsible for submitting all receipts of expenditures to the District Secretary/Treasurer each semester following the publication. Deadlines for submitting the receipts of expenditures shall be December 31 and by the date of the District Convention.
8.06 The chapter who receives the bid for the New ALTO becomes the "publisher" for that publication, and the "editor" shall be chosen from within the chapter.
IX. Awards
9.01 All chapters considered for awards must be in good standing with Nationals and the District.
9.02 The host chapter shall not be eligible for any awards except a Superior Award and the D.O. Wiley Award.
9.03 The District Council will be responsible for obtaining all of the awards.
9.04 A Chapter Participation Award shall be given to the chapter with the greatest number of actives in attendance at the District Convention,. The chapter receiving the Chapter Participation Award is not eligible for the Chapter Percentage Award (See Amendment 9.05). In the event of a tie, multiple awards will be given.
9.05 A Chapter Percentage Award shall be given to the chapter with the highest percentage of active members in attendance at the District Convention. The chapter receiving the Chapter Percentage Award is not eligible to receive the Chapter Participation Award (see Amendment 9.04). In the event of a tie, multiple awards shall be given.
9.06 Three awards shall be given for chapter displays at the District Convention. There shall be an award for the best displays in the categories of free-standing and table-top. Table-top is defined as a display which can be set on one regular square or rectangular folding table. There shall be an award for the overall best display, which may not be a winner of one of the other two categories. The criteria will include emphasis on the theme of the convention, chapter activities over the past year, variety of content, and originality. This award shall be presented by the District Councils at the closing banquet of the District Convention.
9.07 A Superior Achievement Award will be awarded to any chapter in the district meeting the criteria listed in Appendix 1. Applications must be submitted to the district at the beginning of the convention. The District Council shall confirm the fulfillment of the criteria.
9.08 The D.O. Wiley Award will be awarded to the chapter in the district who has been awarded a Superior Achievement Award, and has accumulated the most points from the criteria detailed in Appendix 1, Criteria 9.
9.09 A Best Chapter Scrapbook Award shall be given to the best scrapbook at the District Convention, as decided by judges selected by the host chapter. Criteria and judging will be based on the following: (1) chapter activities over the past year (35%), (2) adheres to the precepts of the fraternity as set down in the Preamble and its five purposes (20%), (3) variety of content (20%), (4) originality (15%), and (5) craftsmanship (10%). This award shall be granted by the District Convention.
X. Headquarters
10.01 The District Governor(s) shall establish an area to serve as District Headquarters.
10.02 The District Headquarters shall house all of the District Records, which should include annual chapter reports, newsletters, District Correspondence, scrapbooks, convention minutes, District Constitutions, and other items of interest.
XI. District Traditions
11.01 The Southwest District Spirit Drum shall be passed from chapter to chapter within the district.
11.02 The Southwest District Mascot, Andy the Armadillo, shall be passed from chapter to chapter within the district as per criteria established in Appendix 2 of the constitution.
11.03 Chapters having the Southwest District Spirit Drum and Mascot, Andy, must submit an article regarding their whereabouts to the New ALTO. In the event that an article is not submitted regarding the Spirit Drum and Andy, it is recommended that an article be published by the editors of the New ALTO as to their whereabouts.
XII. Impeachment
12.01 Any elected District Officer may be impeached by a 75% vote of the active chapters assembled in District Convention, or by written petition of 75% of the active chapters of the district as shown by National Headquarters records. Such a petition must be presented to the National Executive Director, subject to the approval of the District Governor(s).
XIII. Disclaimer
13.01 The Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity neither approves of nor is responsible for action (commonly referred to as hazing) of members of local chapters which may result in injury to persons or damage to property. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, intentionally or unintentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such actions and situations may include, but are not limited to: paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shock, scavenger hunts after dark, one-way road trips which leave an individual to find his own return transportation, compulsory wearing of apparel inappropriate to the situation, required engagement in public stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading games or humiliating activities, compulsory consumption of any alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, and any other activities which are not consistent with the regulations and policies of the Sheltering Institution.
13.02 Recognizing the dangers and problems associated with the use and abuse of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances, Kappa Kappa Psi does not condone the use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances at any Fraternity event, function, or meeting. Each chapter is encouraged to develop an alcohol and controlled substances awareness program highlighting the responsibilities and liabilities of alcohol and controlled substances possession, consumption and distribution.
Appendix 1: Southwest District Superior Achievement D. O. Wiley Award Criteria
Each Southwest District Chapter fulfilling all of the following nine (9) criteria will receive a Superior Achievement Award at the regular District Convention. Chapters Must:
1. Submit the previous year's chapter summary report by June 1.
2. Submit the Fall Activity report by December 1.
3. Clear all financial obligations with the National Headquarters by January 1.
4. Have an article submitted to both the fall and spring editions of the New ALTO.
5. Have an article submitted either the fall or spring editions of the Podium.
6. Have a delegation, display and scrapbook at the current District Convection.
7. Have a written endorsement from the Chapter Sponsor along with the Chapter Report to the District.
8. Please give a written description to all that apply, and appropriate documentation pertaining to A thru U.
A) Host current district Convention
B) Host previous District Convention
C) Host Area Workshop of current year
D) Delegation at Area Workshop
E) Participation in the Reading Band
F) Correspondence with District Officers or Governor(s)
G) Host a current District Officer at your chapter
H) Non-Annual Service Project
I) Participation in the N.I.B., chapter display, or scrapbook at National Convention
J) Commissioning of Band Work
K) Donate $50 or more to National or District Programs
L) Correspondence with National Officers
M) Delegation at year's previous District Convention
N) Display at previous year's District Convention
O) Scrapbook at previous year's District Convention
P) Page(s) in District Convention Scrapbook
Q) Send invitations to host a chapter function with another Kappa Kappa Psi chapter with whom you do not normally associate
R) Successful publisher of the New ALTO
S) Earned a service certificate from the National Headquarters
T) Attendance at most recent National Convention
U) Annual Service Project
Appendix 2: District Mascot Requirements
The official mascot of the Southwest District shall be Andy the Armadillo. Andy will travel around the District promoting brotherhood/sisterhood and unity to the members of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. He will stand for service, duty, and loyalty of our commitment to the band programs and the Southwest District. He shall visit all the chapters throughout the district updating the district on each chapters activities and progress.
1. Andy's length of stay shall be from convention to convention. He will move on to another chapter after the banquet at each District Convention. The chapter currently in possession of Andy will decide on the next chapter to receive him.
2. Andy will not be located at a chapter twice until he has been located at all other chapters within the district. District Officers shall be contacted for a list of available schools to receive Andy.
3. Andy must submit an article to the New ALTO telling everyone of his activities and whereabouts.
4. Andy must wear an "official" shirt or uniform of the school (or band) that previously housed him. This shirt/uniform must be worn at all times until Andy moves on the another school. The old shirt/uniform will thin be sent to the District Officers to be placed in the District Archives located at the National Headquarters.
Appendix 3: Spirit Award Criteria
Guidelines for the Spirit Award shall be as follows:
A) Have at least 20% of the active chapter members or more in attendance at the convention - (10 pts)
B) Chapter presentation of Display (10 pts), scrapbook (10 pts), and submission of district scrapbook page (5 pts).
C) Chapter participation in the reading band at the convention - (10 pts)
D) Chapter dress displaying unit - (20 pts)
E) Public performances of pep song, anthem, stomp, chant, etc. - (5 pts possible)
F) Fellowship well with other chapters at the convention - (15 pts possible)
G) Good morale and attitude as well as any other optional activities or events requested by the District Officers - (20 pts possible)
Committee members shall elect five chapters through observation of the chapter's activities during the convention. Chapters will be selected on the point system listed above. The chapter with the highest average points total will receive the Spirit Award at the closing banquet. The Members-at-Large should be in charge of the maintenance and whereabouts of the Southwest District's spirit drum and spirit stick.
Appendix 4:
The Southwest District will be divided into the following areas:
1) Arkansas - All active chapters
2) Louisiana - All active chapters
3) Oklahoma - All active chapters
4) West Texas/New Mexico - Alpha Psi, Alpha Omicron, Beta Lambda, Gamma Iota, Epsilon Kappa, Zeta Beta
5) Central Texas - Alpha Tau, Beta Delta, Beta Sigma, Gamma Omega, Delta Psi, Epsilon Delta, Zeta Gamma, Theta Kappa, Theta Alpha, Iota Sigma
6) East Texas - Beta Alpha, Gamma Zeta, Gamma Phi, Gamma Sigma, Delta Sigma, Zeta Kappa, Zeta Xi