Southwest District
Kappa Kappa Psi
Mission Statement
Kappa Kappa Psi is a fraternal organization that promotes the advancement of college and university bands through dedicated service and support to bands; comprehensive education; leadership opportunities; and recognition; for the benefit of its members and society.
Kappa Kappa Psi
Vision Statement
With a dedicated spirit of unity and cooperation, we are unequivocally committed to become the world standard of excellence for band fraternal organizations.
Thanks to the Delta Sigma and Gamma Nu chapters at University of Texas at Arlington for a wonderful job at District Day. Also, to all the chapters that came to District Day...you guys ROCK!!!!
Thanks to Theta Phi and Theta Theta Henderson State University for a wonderful job at District Convention. You truly did some "wild things in Hot Springs!"
Southwest District Convention
Awards and Recipients
Louisiana Area Workshop Iota Upsilon
West Texas Area Workshop Zeta Beta
Oklahoma Workshop Alpha
Arkansas Area Workshop Epsilon Beta
Central Texas Area Workshop Beta Alpha
South Texas Area Workshop Alpha Tau
New ALTO Host Zeta Kappa
5 Workshop Attendee Burt Daigle
5 Workshop Attendee Jason Montier
5 Workshop Attendee Adam Mewhorter
5 Workshop Attendee Brian English
Chapter Participation Zeta Kappa, A&M Commerce
Chapter Percentage Epsilon Theta
Chapter Distance Alpha Omicron
Spirit Award Epsilon Theta
Andy the Armadillo Delta Delta
Spirit Drum Zeta Kappa
Outstanding Service to Music Theta Phi
Standing Display Alpha Omicron/Beta
Table Top Display Beta Alpha/Iota
Overall Display (Joint) Delta/Delta
Best Scrapbook Beta Alpha
Superior Achievement Award Alpha Psi
Superior Achievement Award Gamma Theta
Superior Achievement Award Theta Phi
J. Lee Burke Award Dave Justin
J. Lee Burke Award Russell Hulme
D.O. Wiley Award Theta Phi
Host Chapter Theta Phi/Theta Theta
Please be sure to check out the Updates/Announcements Page!!!!!
This web page was updated on September 10, 2000.
This site is maintained by the Southwest District Council. If you have any questions regarding this web site, please email them to kky_swd@yahoo.com.