Gamma Chi's History
Gamma Chi's Fruitful History

The all time number one, Gamma Chi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., was incorporated in 1948, on the campus of Claflin College, Orangeburg, SC. The charter members of this new chapter saw that the campus needed a sorority committed to community service, sisterhood, and excellence. Those ladies that held that vision were:
Karen Adams
Dorothy Brown
Florence Jenkins
Margeret Kinsey
Arabella Whitticker
At Gamma Chi, publice service has always been the main thrust of the sorors. Some of the public service activities that Gamma Chi provides are:
Tutoring at Nix Elementary School
Mentoring young girls at Revelon Elementary School
Conducting Blood and Voter Registration Drives on campus
Holding an Annual Pillow Talk for Entering Freshmen Women about College Life
Spring Informative Forums
Also the ladies at Gamma Chi hold an annual Mr. Crimson and Cream pageant aka Mr. D Man, as a major fund raiser.
Winning homecoming step shows are fun and exciting since the Chapter has one them consecutively for three years (1996-1998).
At the 1998 National Convention, Gamm Chi won the award for having the second highest Grade Point Average in the nation.