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Of Love Letter

Many of you have a hard time writing love letters, So what I am doing is writing these out for you, You can copy them print them anything you want. Because I myself know how it feel to not know what to say or how to say it. And even though I write these I am still not secure to give any of these to someone that I care for. Maybe that is why I am putting these on here so that they can be used somewhere.

I hope you enjoy, or at least give you idea on what you want to say.

Starting it out, Saying hello

Dear ______,

         I know that find this odd for me writing you a letter, but for me it is better for me to write you insteead of telling this to you face to face. The reason for this whole letter is to tell you that I found myself having strong feelings for you. I am sure that you probably do not feel the same as I, but I thought that you should know.
       I am sorry for bringing this forward, but I need to say so that I can sleep at night. Even though know I will be wondering if I will keep you as a friend or lose your friendship. Keep in mind your friendship is worth more then anything that I can think of.

       I also do have to add that this is just a statement, I am not asking you out or anything I just need to tell someone and since it would sooner or later get to you anyways I thought I would write you personally. Again I am sorry for this. Please forgive me.


Just to remind her that you love her

Dear _______,
        I wish I could be there holding you instead of writing this, but since I see you no where around I must deal with just writing. There are many fears that we all have in this life and many things that we wish we can change about ourself, but when I see you and know that you care for me, I feel that for the moments that we are together that I could do anything, and everthing feels like for once in my life, that life is worth living.
       When I see you cry and can't do anything about it. I feel that part of my soul crying with you. When I see you smile with your perfect lips I want to just stop time and just sit there watching you. When I kiss you I want to never stop (that is why it always seem that I want more). I will amit that I do get jealous but don't hate me for that it is just because I don't want to lose you anytime soon. I know that we are both young but why waste such a beautiful thing. (eventhough the beautifullest things in this relationship is you).
I know that someday we might part ways and when that time comes it will be the saddest day that I will ever live. But hay that's life.

       The very first time I said that I have strong feelings for you, now those feelings are growing even farther, I would like to say that I Love You and maybe someday I will but right know the word love seems so small compared to what I feel for you. Well as the song goes "Good Night sweet heart where ever you are."

Always yours,

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