exeter home page
Easy to remember URLs: http://come.to/class99 or http://come.to/pea99

Class Database

---[November, 2003]---

* Post on the message board, it doesn't require a sign in anymore!

* Send me pictures to post in the picture section!

* Join Friendster -OR- Classmates.com to keep in touch with old friends.

Message Board

* Send your AOL-IM name , ICQ # , webpage URL, phone # , bday, address update, or anything else you want me to post in the class database
* Here are links to download AOL-IM or ICQ
* I decided to not make our class email list available for download from this site. I don't want people to start spamming us with emails. If you want to have the list send me an email from your exeter email address and I'll send it to you.
* Please do not use any of the information (email lists, addresses, etc.) on this page for commercial, political, or fund-raising purposes.

Picture Section

send me and E-mail if you have any comments or problems about the site at:
leevonk@hotmail.com Or ICQ#: 6488816 ; AIM: leevonk

My URL: http://come.to/example

I got it for free at http://come.to

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