table of contents:
>>> graduated students
>>> list of students based on graduation date
>>> view abstract and download final assignment document in (.doc or .pdf)
>>> physics '34 on-line
>>> the class of '97 on-line year book
>>> upload files tutorials
>>> how to upload and update your document, photos or web pages
>>> all of physics '34 should read this, with no excuse!

We like snow but only if it's warm. We're laughing but we're sad.
We like rain but only if it's dry. We're hopeful but we're lost.
We like pain but only if it doesn't hurt too much. We're hard but we're friendly.
So, what are we? You figure it out! We're so unique to understand.

We are: abay agung ali alin askar asri azis bona dani diko eva halidi herry joy kiki mala nendar nuning
nurmah ondang panji piter rahmat ratni santi sinthia soleh steve subur tetty ujang yogi yulia & yuliati

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