My net life
I'm ecstatic that the bayan dsl at home was fixed last Sunday, Sept 21. We just applied for a dsl service last August 9 after procrastinating for years already. Everything was fine when I noticed that connection was reset on some websites I visited. I've done everything but to no avail, good that Zsa called tech support and lo, we just found out that a proxy server is needed. OK, now I have unlimited Internet at home. The question is, is the investment worth?
Back at my day job, we have this incentive scheme where the most efficient has of course "incentives". Slacking is discouraged, and so there my Net life is well, now managed greatly.
The Internet is like a box of swiss knife, a box of chocolate and Pandora's box all neatly packaged in your browser. I hate to admit it but, as with my colleagues at the job, surfing the Net has become a hobby of no return. I have no choice but to embrace it. If you read my previous posts you can see that I don't really love the Net that much. It's not the cure-all to everything, from the rosily-pictured solutions for the farmer in the fields and even to John McCain. The Net makes or creates friends and contacts. Being online is the in thing to do...really? The Net kills productivity, especially if one works in a liberal nonfirewalled office. The Net is fine with news and entertainment, but fledgling with learning and research, even with Wikipedia around. The Net is a virtual mall, or bazaar if you prefer, littered with all the glitterati the graphic artists can create. It must have this appeal to create waves and make me and you a Net addict. Imagine a net without pictures and flash plugin. It's not that hard to imagine, try it by tweaking some settings in your browser.
One needs self-restraint to control the time spent online. I bet, more than 80% is spent on entertainment/news and checking email more than browsing for "serious stuff". I can say that the purpose of the Net is to entertain me and you, personally. I must cherry-pick what I have to do online. Only then will the investment is worth it. Of course I won't kill my browsing for entertainment, that will be suicidal, become a boring unresponsive Netizen.