1 June 2005
Dear Parents,
School Review
Throughout the term we have been very busy conducting a review of specific aspects of the school. Of the four areas selected, two reviews have completed their data collection and the committees are going through the results.
One of the areas that is currently collecting data is School Community Relations. Eighty surveys were sent out and to date approximately forty have been returned. If you still have one of these surveys, please return it to the office, as your response is important for our school review.
Well Done
Over the years, we have followed the progress of Lachlan Bird and his chosen sport of gymnastics. Lachlan has just competed in the National Gymnastic Competition in Sydney. Lachlan went into the competition ranked 10th in Queensland and by the end of the competition he was ranked 5th. His Australian ranking is now 24th while his ranking on the Pommel Horse is 14th. Well done Lachlan!
Star Light,
Star Bright
One hundred eager year 2 students spent Tuesday evening at school searching for stars. As fate would have it, our crisp, clear cool evenings turned out to be a warm overcast night, however with a little luck the clouds cleared and the students had a starry view of the evening sky.
Music Evening
Students in the instrumental music programme will be holding an instrumental evening for parents on Wednesday 8 June commencing at 7:00pm. Parents and friends are most welcome to attend.
Handbook Information–Unclaimed Property
Mislaid articles are left in the lost property box. If you mark items with pupil’s name, we shall do all we can to ensure that they are returned. Note that jumpers, shoes, raincoats and hats are the highest risk articles.
All unclaimed swimming articles are kept in a lost property box in the equipment room at the swimming pool.
McMurtrie, Principal
3 Peter Coombe in Concert
7/b> Enrolment Management Meeting 7:00pm
8 School instrumental concert
9 Greenslopes SS sports day at Mansfield
10 Bowling yr 4 – 6 for non interschool sport participants
11 Trivia night 7:30pm
13 Queen’s Birthday Holiday
P & C meeting 7.30pm
14 Senior Sports Day at MSHS
14-17 Junior strings camp
17 Last day of semester
4 Pupil Free Day
School resumes
Domestic and Family Violence – Getting protection
You can get a domestic violence order if
you are in one of these relationships:
Spousal -If you are of the same or opposite sex and:
· Live together: or
· Have lived together: or
· Are married, defacto or divorced; or
· Have a child together.
Intimate personal - If you are of the same or opposite sex and:
· Are or were engaged to be married; or
· Have been betrothed or promised under cultural or religious tradition; or
· Are or were previously dating.
Family – if you:
· Are a relative by blood or marriage; or
· Are regarded as a relative under cultural or religious grounds.
Informal care – if there is no payment involved in the care and you were or are either;
· Providing informal care to someone; or
· Receiving care from someone as a result of your illness or disability.
A domestic violence order can be taken out against a child under 18 only if he/she is in a spousal or intimate person relationship.
You can apply for a domestic violence order even if you are not a permanent resident of Australia.
You have the
right to protection and safety from domestic and family violence. You can apply for a domestic violence order.
You can remain in the relationship and still apply for a domestic violence order.
Well Done Students
Benjamin Tam, Belinda King, Joel Khouri, Brandon Yasserie, Chalouni Kodilara and Chloe Gonthier have been selected to attend World Vision Global Leadership Convention to be held on Thursday 9 June at The Sleeman Centre.
Vicki Caldow, Deputy Principal
Many thanks to all who helped out at the disco. The glow necklaces, bunny ears and glow balls were a great hit, we are sorry that there was not enough but we were not sure how successful they would be. As a result of the great response, we will be selling the glow balls at the fair.
These are going fast so if you wish one, please see the office staff. They are $60 each. Years 1 and 2 parents who still have the books, could you return the book, or the money as soon as possible?
Sime, Deputy Principal
Awards for Week 8
1C Connor Reilly, Kelly Tran
1H Gabby Morris, Daniel Sanchez
2B Nikola Celebicanin, Max Tobitt
2Bi Lauren Schuster, Madelyn Butler
2J Brodee Scorer, Nicholas Sofronoff
2Y Claudia Di Bartolo, Andrew Babin
3B Katerina Stametellos, Alex Weeks
3F Kieren Bucher, Chelsea McGregor
3G Pascale Angell, Nicholas Krznar
6H Rebecca Williams, Vincent Prasad,
Gavin Tan, Benjamin Tam
6M Praveena Manickam, Stella Koukios,
Nelson Hsieh, Daniel Carew
Library News
2005 Picture Book
of the Year
Note: Some of these books may be for mature readers
Baker, Jeannie Belonging
Harvey, Roland At the Beach: Postcards from Crabby Spit
King, Stephen Michael Mutt Dog!
Lester, Alison Are We There Yet:
Miller, David Refugees
Ormerod, Jan Lizzie Nonsense
Alive: Wordpool for kids
The Queensland Writers Centre is doing it for the
kids, Wordpool that is, on Tuesday 21 June.
QWC is transforming their popular literary cabaret, Wordpool, into a
children’s event. Featuring top
children’s authors, the event is designed to enthrall the young listeners,
awakening in them the magic of books and bringing the written word to life.
Kids Wordpool is held at Hands on Art, The
Boardwalk, South Bank and runs from 10:30am – 12noon. Prices are $8 per child or parent. For more information, call the center on 3839 1243.
Bond, Teacher-librarian
You would have noticed the new Payment/Permission Envelope now has the option of paying for school activities by Credit Card.
EFTPOS has been installed this week and the machine is located in the front office. EFTPOS will provide our students and parents with an alternative to paying by cash or cheque. Payments by cheque and cash are still available. By installing EFTPOS, it should help in work flow, and is a better security option instead of having large amounts of cash and coinage at the school.
We accept
payment by Master Card, Visa or Bankcard, and you can pay for school activities
direct from your savings account by swiping your card. There is no ‘Cash Out’ facility
If you wish to pay for school activities, please complete the Payment/Permission envelope with the additional EFTPOS information on the left hand side and place into the payment slot in the administration office.
Alternatively you can swipe your card through the
machine and pay for school activities by selecting either the credit or EFT
function. Minimum payment is $10.00.
If you are
paying by cheque or credit card, one cheque or transaction for multiple
payments can be processed for the family.
Please group the envelopes together by stapling and we can then provide
you with one receipt. Please note: we do need an individual permission envelope for each child’s activity.
Credit card payments for Entertainment books
will be processed through the Entertainment book company not through the school
eftpos facilities. The school will
accept cash and cheque payments for these books.
Merryl Tood, Registrar
Many thanks to the ladies for your help last week.
Senior Sports Day: A limited menu will be sent home next week. Orders must be in before going down to the oval. Parents please feel free to pre order your lunch, otherwise food will be available at the tuckshop.
Reminder: Healthy Harold Day, Friday 10 June. No lollies, chips, ice creams will be sold on that day. A list of available items will be posted outside the tuckshop.
Monday 6/6/05 Alaine Buckley
Tuesday 7/6/05 Vicki Sullivan
Wednesday 8/6/05 Natalie Beattie, Anne Hurman
Thursday 9/6/05 Toni Toohey, Cathie Jempson
Friday 10/6/05 Sharene Rapisardi, Janet
Gail Snow,
Tuckshop Coordinator
Would you like to have a fun social night out
without the children? The P&C will
be running a trivia night for adults only on Saturday 11 June in the school
activity hall. There are lots of prizes
to be won! The theme is ‘The Seventies’
so turn the clock and journey back in time and dress in the style of this
There will be 15 tables which each seat 10 people, there are 8 tables still available. Start planning your team now! Tickets are now on sale! $10 per person, which includes supper etc. Please enclose the correct money or cheque (payable to Mansfield S.S. P&C Assoc.) name and number of tickets required plus the class you wish the tickets to be returned to, may be left at the school office. If you are planning a table with friends we would appreciate it if you send in the money all together instead of individually that way we can guarantee that you will be seated together on a table. Its makes our job easier to allocate tables. Please note no tickets will be sold at the door on the night so please purchase your tickets prior to 11 June.
For Your School
Three and a half weeks left in the competition. The latest newsletter was distributed last week, please check to see how you can earn bonus points for our school. We are currently maintaining our 3rd position, there is a tally board located at the customer service desk if you wish to see how we are progressing.
Don’t forget if you do shop at Westfield Garden City or Carindale and haven’t time to exchange your dockets for points please bring them into the school and place the receipts in the special ‘Shop For Your School’ box. One of our representatives will then collect the dockets and exchange for points, if you wish your receipts to be returned to you please leave your name and class. Every point helps Mansfield maintain its position.
It’s not too late to register for a special Westfield red tag so that you may exchange your receipts. Every time someone registers the school receives bonus points, so drop into the Customer Service desk and register now. Also if you do have a Westfield tag and haven’t yet completed a survey in regards to the competition please do so at the Customer Service desk for more extra bonus points. Keep up the great effort! Thanks again for your fantastic support.
P&C Fundraiser
‘The Flight Centre – holiday raffle” is our major fundraiser for 2005. We are hoping to make a profit of over $7000. A letter explaining the fundraiser is currently being distributed to all families, please take time to read. If you do not wish to participate please complete the form on the letter and return to the office by next Monday 7 June. We hope all families will support us by selling at least one book of tickets (10 tickets per book at $2 each). We will begin distributing books middle of next week, these will be sent to the eldest in each family.
Next P&C
meeting will be held on the Queen’s Birthday public holiday Monday 13 June
2005, at 7.30pm in the Ponderosa. All
are welcome to attend.
Julie Nielson, P&C President
Thank you to all the people who turned up to last nights meeting, including the new faces we saw. Your support and ideas are much appreciated and are what will help to ultimately end up with a successful fete for Mansfield State school.
The fete needs the support of everybody to ensure it’s the best it can be, so I would ask all parents to take the time to read each newsletter to see if there are ways in which they can help.
Our advertising flier that goes out to all residential letter boxes in the 4122 post code area still has a few spaces available for advertising. Cost is $250 on the front of the flier and on the back of the flier the cost is $150. It is a good way to advertise your business, whilst helping to support the school. The funds raised from the flier help to pay for our fireworks display. If you are interested, please contact Dhiru Naidu on 0400882755 or after hours on 3349 4146.
Anybody that is part of an organisation that would like to put on a display ie dancing, sporting, cultural, hobby etc, please let us know as we are currently putting the flier and the programmme together and would like to include the event in these to help advertise the group.
There were a couple of good new ideas last night (perhaps gleaned from observing recent fetes at other schools). One idea was to put together a grocery wheel. The idea is that people will win a small hamper of groceries if they are standing in the right spot, a bit like spin the bottle but a little more rewarding. We need a convenor to help support this stall, so if you are looking to help out but haven’t seen an area that suits you, perhaps this is something for you.
We are also in need of someone to look after the rides (as our previous coordinator will be away overseas due to the changed date). The role is mainly selling of tickets, chiefly on the day but also the earlier arm band tickets. If you are interested in either of the above roles, please give me a call, or come along to our next meeting.
The student council is also organising a “toilet toss” and are looking for donations of clean toilets, so if you can help out in this unusual area you can contact me and or the Deputy Principal Mr Paul Sime.
As always we need donations of toys, trash and treasure, books, plants and or anything else that might suit a school fete.
A reminder there is a meeting for all food coordinators next week, Tuesday the 6th of June starting at 7.30. If you are interested in helping out in the food area please come along. Don’t forget the Sri Lankan, Greek and Asian groups have thrown down the challenge to other ethnic groups to put on a display of their culinary delights.
Our next fete meeting is also to be held on Tuesday the 19th July at 7.30 in the ponderosa. Thanks for all of your support so far, let’s keep it going and build to a great fete in 2005.