Some vital statisics:
When she's not at Penn State Main Campus
in State College, she lives in a place called Haycock Township in Bucks
County in Pennsylvania, which is a really pretty, rural area.
It’s near Quakertown. (Where, unfortunately, we both went to high school)
For those of you who have no idea where that is...
It’s about 25 miles south of Allentown and about 40 miles north of Philadelphia
Quakertown is VERY boring. We have two movie theatures...which the latest showings are usually around 10 pm, we have a bowling alley....and well, that’s about it. If you want to do anything you usually either have to travel down to Montgomerville, or up to allentown.
Here are some pictures of friends
All in all she's quite a spiffy person. I've known her since 1986.
Our mothers thought it would be good for us to be friends.
They were co-leaders for our Girl Scout Troop.
We were less than happy about this,
but now I think I speak for both of us we we say,
“Thank you, mom!”
Why not let her know you stopped by??
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