Enge: Didn’t you help destroy the
cult beneath the Wavecrest Tavern? Jolly
good work! I’m Berrigan Enge, the Coin
Lord in charge of collecting taxes and tariffs in the harbor. It’s a thankless task, but I’ve always a few
moments to swap words with the adventurers who keep Stormreach safe for
Rindle: Can I do the Coin Lords any favors?
Berrigan Enge: Right now, I’m trying to track down Miller Tarrigan, who has failed to pay his taxes for two years in a row. With our finances in dire straits from the harbor’s closure, we can’t wait any longer – we must claim the goods Tarrigan offered as a security on last year’s unpaid bill. Will you venture into Tarrigan’s house and collect the Coin Lords’ due?
Rindle: Sounds easy enough. Just tell me where to go and what to do.
Berrigan Enge: The miller’s home is just a few steps away. I will not enter – a Coin Lord cannot risk his life to collect every petty debt. However, I will wait for your return.
I will see to it immediately.
The Miller’s Debt
Quest Bestowed
DMText: You
have searched every area within the miller’s home, save the basement.
Wooden door with leaver, right next to the door.
2 Rusty Iron Defenders. Slaying them opens the nearby portcullis.
2 Rusty Iron Defenders. Slaying them opens the wooden door nearby. The back defender dose not spawn until the forward defender is engaged.
Sonic traps.
Box location unknown.
DMText: Everbright lamps litter the basement floor – someone was trying to quash the lights.
Miller Tarrigan Rosethorn: I know, the Coin Lords are demanding payment. I’ve stored the first installment of goods in the room beyond that door over there. Go ahead and take it! I won’t stop you…”
Rindle: Thanks for making this easy, Tarrigan.
DMText: The
miller has told you the goods meant for the Coin Lords are in the back room of
the basement.
Speaking to the miller opens the nearby wooden door. The named monster will charge.
DMText: A particularly nasty-looking iron defender charges forward!
Defeating the defender is optional. There is a switch to open the portculus that is above the ladder, leading to the treasure
chest (left) and quest chest (right).
There is also a collectable in the room.
Finish Out
Berrigan Enge: Ah, so you have collected the miller’s security! Good work. Regardless of what he told you, Tarrigan is more than wealthy enough to pay his debts to Stormreach.
Rindle: Actually, he tried to kill me and ran away.
Berrigan Enge: Is that so? Well, you’re in one piece and so are my goods, so I suppose Tarrigan’s schemes were for naught. Keep up the good work and you’ll make a fair name for yourself in Stormreach.
Berrigan Enge gives you 5 pieces of gold.
Advancement: Quest Completed