France 6/99   Orlando 8/00-1/01   Washington, DC 1/03
London 12/03-1/04  
Wolf Creek Ski Trip 2/04   California 3/04
Mom and Dad   Vincent   Rachel   Extended Family
Last Updated 11/14/05
I (Angela) am happily living in Clovis for the time being, while my wonderful husband Joel is off in Iraq.  I'm currently living with James (Joel's brother) and Karen (my sister (long story... ask if you want)), and our 3 babies -- Riker (the Boston Terrier), Chris (the big fat black and white cat),
and Nelix (the orange and white spazzy kitten).  I will be working as assistant manager at the bookstore until January when we close.  I'm still not sure what I'm doing after that.  Joel and I will see each other again in June (we're going to Europe for a late honeymoon), and he'll be home by Christmas next year.
Click here to see what Angela does on Sunday mornings!