Welcome to make Joke pages. In the future I hope to include jokes from my
favourite comedian Bob Monkhouse but in the meantime enjoy the selection that I have here.
I have divided the jokes into what I think are there level of humour. From the ones that
really made me laugh to the ones that were amusing but not amazingly funny. |
PARENTS / CHILDREN UNDER 16 - Some of the jokes here could well contain
swear words and be of a sexual related topic.

On eof the funniest sites I have found for a while is It has some well funny Translators. Please check it out below.

A touch above the classic humour lines such as 'Cigarette? 'Yes, I know'
'from films such as Naked Gun come jokes that send you into stitches. These jokes are not
lame and really made me laugh. Only the best from the captain's table are in this
selection. Click Here! |


Well above 'Why did the chicken cross the road?' jokes are the ones that
make you grin but not roll about on the floor. I hope these jokes bring a smile to your
face just like they did to me. Click Here! |