Coastal Walks

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Welcome to my Coastal Walks homepage. If you are here you are obviously like me and enjoy coastal walks and scenic views.

I'm in my 20's and live in Cornwall, UK and those far that is the only place where I have done my coastal walks. They have been very enjoyable and the one thing that amazes me is why some people choose to go abroad from the UK to see such beauty when we have countryside to equal most places in the world.

Below you will find links to each of the walks I have taken. There are loads of photos for each walk so I have restricted each page of a walk to no more than 4 a page otherwise your be waiting ages for photos to be displayed.

Enjoy! And please feel free to contact me. See below the latest on my contributions to this WebPages and my next target for a walk.


Please tell me what you think of my webpage, what you think of the walks or your favourite places and walks by leaving an entry in the Guestbook below for others and myself to read.

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Latest Coastal Walk News

17/03/2000 - I have just set up this index page and am working on WebPages for one of my walks currently and hope to have that on this page by the end of this month. PLEASE come back and have a look.

So, how many people have come to this webpage?

If you want to search the Internet fast and efficiently, I recommend Google, try it.....
