Want to know more about me and where I live? Check out my greeting page. I'll give you
the update on what I'm up to these days. There are links from this page to information on
my local weather and photos of areas where I live and where I've been on Holidays. |

Take a trip around the world as I show you my favourite webcams. Not another webcam
site I hear you say? Well, yes and no. It is another webcam site, that is obvious. This
site is however dovoted to LIVE webcams. Not the orderly refresh every x number of
minutes, I'm talking real time cams here. Take a trip to London, Sydney, New York and
Greece and see what is happen LIVE as YOU watch it. |
Guess the sounds and win. One of the few websites that has a competition everyone can
join in and play. Whats the prize? Umm, recognition for your efforts. Something that seems
hard to come by in this day and age, but I will freely give you the recognition that you
deserve, if you were to win. Only takes a minute. Lets have some simple fun on the web!!! |
(Not actual photo)
Who is he? What is he? He's one of the best UK comdeians and my personal
favourite. Find out about him at the webpages I've set up for him. Well, not for him
personally. This is unofficail of course. |

Ahhhh, nothing better than on a Cool Sunny day than a walk around the beautifull coasts
of Cornwall. Sun, Sea and yes, you guessed it ... Sweat. If you love the coast, you'll
love this site. |
Lifes not all doom and gloom although it can often seem that way. A
daily dose of jokes is recommended by myself. I have included really funny jokes and just
funny jokes which I have come accross on the web. I welcome any other jokes. If you have a
joke that makes you chuckle each time you read it, email it to me please. You will be
credited with sending it in. |