Read "The Story of Joseph" (the qu'ran version) and state at least 10 character traits exhibited within the text.  Find a passage or quote which clearly exhibits the particular trait.  Based upon what you have previously read, choose the one trait which most demonstrates one of the The Pillars of Islam and explain why.

9 Cell  These should be drawings that tell the story
Character beginning Setting Beginning Plot Beginning
Character Middle Setting Middle Plot Middle
Character End Setting  End Plot  End

Look at the following three religions and give evidence how Joseph would be a good a good Jewish person, Christian, or Muslim.

Make Joseph's family tree

Create a dialogue between Joseph and the Pharaoh (point of view biased)

Using a Venn diagram, compare the biblical version and the qu'ran version of Joseph.

Write a  nine paragraph character sketch of Joseph using the following rubric:  physical description, background, personality traits, motivation, conflict,...