Hi, my name is Chris D'Angelo. I've grown up all around the U.S.. From Honolulu, Hawaii to Salina, Kansas. And from Philly, Philly to Anaheim, California. I'm now 24, and am attending Parsons School of Design in New York I've graduated from the Art Institute of Philadelphia majoring in  Video Production. I've set up this website to show people on the internet things that I have done and what I plan on doing. I consider this a interactive photo album, so I hope you like it! 
                                                    -Chris ;^)
Chris D'Angelo a.k.a. AIM kickballkng
My mother and father split up a little after I was born. My mother moved with me to Hawaii to live with my Grandma. My father stayed  in Ohio. Both my parents got re-married and had kids. I have a 18 year old brother named Eric* (mom's side), and a 19 year old sister named Tara (dad's side).
My best friend is Base Basvic. I met him my 7th Grade year of  School in Kansas. We've stayed in touch all these years and anytime I'm in Kansas I always stop in and say Hi..
I have many hobbies. I like to draw and work on Flash animations. I am currently in a Kickball league and plan on joining a Dodgeball league in the Fall
Click on one of the following to
I'm sorry to say the bus DID NOT stop for this gentleman.
Personal Photos
Friends Profiles
Click here for my Flash animations and little webcam movies
Kansas Photos
The Big Max saga
NY/NJ photos
About Me :
Hobbies & Interests
*Eric is the kid in the background
This is the personal page of:
PhotoShop Projects
AIPH vs.Temple  Football Games
My project Mistrust
Pt Pleasent Photos
New Years 2001
AIPH Graduation Parties
Misellaneous Good times 2000
Goodbye AIPH