Wednesday Day 11
We went to visit Georg and Anne as they were leaving to
on vacation. Then Georg took us to look at the house in Haakonshella at
Anne’s grandparents’ place which they rented for 5 years and where we might
stay when we first move here. It was a very nice place. There is the view of the
ocean and there is a very pretty garden. There are hardwood floors and a lot of
windows and closet space. That’s wonderful as I don’t like things lying
around. I like them all put away and the kitchen counters etc. to be empty. And
Georg said that it will be okay to have a puppy there. And, since they have a
garden, I can play with my puppy there. Then,
we picked up Amalie from her school and then picked up Ole from his school and
went back to Georg’s place and shortly Kjell came to take them to the airport.
We were picked up by Arne and Mari and we went to the Immigration office and
found about how to “import” me here and then met Arne and Mari at
“Galleria” which is like a mall and had Skillingsbolle there. Then we went
to Ikea and a shopping mall next to it. We ate Rullekebab. They are very famous
Then we came home and we visited Kjetil’s friend Glen.

Anne and Kjetil

The house in Haakonshella.

The living room

The kitchen

The garden

View from the house.

Jaspreet dunking.

Amalie at her kindergarten

Ole outside his school.

Amalie on the phone with her grandmother.

Wenche, Kjetil and Glen.