Today we leave for
We got ready and packed everything. Soon Anette and Rune
arrived and we left a little after
They have accepted me for who I am, as I am and that overwhelms me.
After we left, we went and got our tax back from all the
purchases we had been making. We met Kjetil’s friend and classmate Inger from
We boarded our plane and were on our way home. The trip was uneventful except that I thought that they singled us out for security checks. Perhaps we fit a special profile. We were not complaining though. All in a Day’s work.
We landed in San Jose 9:25 p.m. and Kjetil’s friend Jan Goodman picked us up and we picked up our car from outside his house and drove home and reached home around 11:30.
Anette and Rune at the airport.
Anne Marit and Arne.
Kjetil and Kjell
At the airport.
The food!!!