Day 8, Sunday.

We are at Anette’s (Kjetil’s sister’s) house today. We will spend the night here and leave tomorrow after dinner. Anette wanted us to watch her children today as her and Rune needed to go to Rune’s niece’s “konfirmasjon”. Anette picked us up from Kjetil’s parents place around 12:00 and then drove us to an island Sutra where they live. They left around 2:00 . She wore the Norwegian national costume , “Bunab”today. Her specific “Bunab” is from “Hardanger”. The basic costume is the same but varies a little depending on what place you come from.

Joakim and Morten showed me their Tarzan thing where they hang from trees on the rope.

Then Anette and Rune Handsome Bakke left. He got this nickname because last year when he visited us and we were in Las Vegas the girl behind the counter said, “Is Bakke your middle name?”  and he said ,” No, Handsome is my middle name” and so now we call him Rune Handsome Bakke.

 Kjetil, Joakim, Ruben , Morten and I took bikes and rode to the bottom of a mountain. We dropped our bikes under a tree, no need to lock them, nobody steals them, I was told. (Sure enough they were there when we came back).

 We hiked through the woods and came into a clearing where the woods ended and proceeded to the top of the mountain. It took us about 2 ½ hours to hike up and down. It was very interesting to hike with the children. They led the way which they knew very well and pointed out interesting things on the way.

 The whole mountain and the land around seems to rest on water as there was water everywhere. Maybe it was something to do with the fact that it was raining yesterday and that it rains 300 days a year.

I was glad I had Anette’s waterproof shoes on. We hiked up and there were couple of places where we signed our names in a book; at the top and on our way. At the top there was an engine of a plane lying that had crashed there in 1948. There were 15 people in this military plane and 13 died. This was the biggest accident in the Norwegian air force in the peace times.

After we got to the bottom again, we rode our bikes home and changed into clean clothes and went to a snack bar to eat Pizzas. We came home and I slept for an hour in this very comfortable chair where I am sitting right now. Anette and Rune came home while I was sleeping and then once I was up they served coffee and cakes. They had brought the cakes from the ceremony and most of it is home made and they are very very good and will shame any bakery anywhere in the world. Now we are just hanging out and will “spise(eat) “Floetepoteter” which is basically potatoes in cream and garlic and is Anette’s specialty. …………..

Anette and Rune's hous.

Anette in her national costume - hardanger bunad.

Rune's family.

Tarzan Joakim

Beginning of the climb.

Hiking through the woods.

Sitting on the "resting stone" as the kids call it.

Kjetil and Morten. Joakim.

The kids drinking fresh mountain water.

Writing in the first book at "Fadrabore".

Jaspreet and Kjetil on the top of "Veten".

Writing in the second book on the top.

View from the top.

Engine of the plane that crashed in 1948.

Eating pizza after the trip.

Eating "floetegratinerte poteter" (Anette's special potatoes).