It is Syttendemai today.
The whole
Everybody was dressed up and most people had their Norwegian National costume on. It was a long parade and I was too tired to enjoy it. Then we walked around downtown with Are and Mari and Sissel and Kenneth and also met Kjetil’s friend Linda whom we hadn’t met so far. Then we went to Kristine’s place and she had made traditional Roemmegroet. We also met Steinar there. He is a good friend of Kjetil whom we had not met since we got here for some reason or the other. He came with his girlfriend Beate and their son Ruben Christoffer. Trond made a joke about rubbing him and using the static to hang him up on the celing. The whole gang was there. Then we went to Alvoeen where everybody gets together and they have activities for children. Steinar gave us a ride to Alvoeen. We ate ice creams.
Kjetil won a fruit basket.
I was too tired to enjoy these festivities. We soon came home and then Anette and her family visited us. She had not come top the town as she lives in Sotra and was involved in some children’s activities for 17th of May.
They left after a few hours and we again went out and the
whole gang was there at Kristina’s place. Everybody just sat and drank and
talked. Kjetil and his friends are very close and just sit and talk and enjoy
each other’s company. They spoke Norwegian and Kjetil translated to me. We
came home around
Jaspreet eating breakfast.
Jaspreet and Kjetil
Kjetil and his parents.
Kjetil Arild and Kjetil
Ingvild and Kjetil
Jaspreet, Roy and Arild
Autn Ruth and Jaspreet.
The parade
Mari and Jaspraeet
The gang
Linda, Jaspreet and Kjetil
Beate and Steinar.
Friends in Alvoeen.
Kjetil won the fruit basket.