Welcome to the Hall of Shame! As some of you may know, the Crew is somewhat unruly and merciless. When we all get together to drink, it's inevitable that someone will have a little too much. So what does the members of the Crew do?? Help out the inenbriated member?? NO! We take fuc$ing pictures!! So let me be the first to welcome you to our HALL OF SHAME!! Included here are the unlucky members of the CREW who are forever immortalized/commerated in compromising positions and embarrasing moments, in pictures, and now on the web! Hehehe...Ok, I'll be the first to admit, 3/4 of the pictures we have are of me, but half of them, I am actually really sleeping! ;) Anyways, it's been tough getting pictures of certain individuals, but I think we got just enough now to post...so hope you enjoy looking at them, as much as I had in putting them here...there are now pictures on page 2 now...
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Yeah yeah, I know I have this picture under my favorite pics also, but this was one funny night!!!(So I shall repeat: note to Jeromesky: "...Hey Jerome, we're pare's, right?!?! TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT!" -anonymous (SECRET!) | Top pic: Yeah yeah, I'll put one of myself even though it's MY webpage...:P Bottom pic: OoOo..what the h*ll is sperm dawg doin, anyways?!?! |
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Big Dawg clowning on Veener!!