Friendship plans a variety of social and cultural
activities to meet the needs and interests of
International Students and to help them initiate and
develop friendships with New Zealand families. The programme offered in the
different universities varies according to the climate
and attractions of the local district.
Wellington bills
itself as the cultural/cafe city of NZ and is a city of
hills and sea. Group activities here have included hikes
to distant vantage points, barbecues, family picnics in
the Park. Hikes through native bush and to wildlife
parks, tramps around the coast.

We welcome students in
our homes to relax, listen to music, play games,
learn to cook our food or cook theirs and teach
us their favourite recipes.
We encourage constant
contact by phone, email and mutual visits, all
fostering enduring international friendships.
How Does This Work?
- International
Students are matched with Friendship partners
(either families or single people) according to
interests (occupational or hobbies) and languages
- All
Friendship Partners are given a training session
in cross-cultural communication and hospitality
and are instructed that any major concerns for
students health, emotional status or studies are
to be referred to the International Student
- There
is no cost for participation in the programme
except for expenses incurred for trips and
sightseeing activities.
partners come from all walks of life who are interested
in cultivating personal friendships with International
Students and offering them hospitality in their homes and
opportunities to see the surrounding countryside.
The Kiwis are enlisted through
local churches and are committed Christians who have
values that most students appreciate. Back to Top