School and Community
Blood Drives ('97-'99)
Children Burn Center Donation ('97)
Helped to raise $1300 by providing an
Ice Cream Social show/event for Warren Mott students
Ronald McDonald House Donation ('98)
Helped raise $1500 through a
Penny King and Queen fundraiser at Warren Mott HS
Toys for Kids Collection ('96-'99)
Collected, counted, and donated toys
to be given to needy children during the holidays
Drive-In Movie ('99)
Provided Warren Mott High School with their
first ever Drive-in Movie, showing "Grease"
Initiated idea, and prepared the event, raised
$300 for the Senior Class
Pep Assemblies ('96-'99)
Worked with others to help organize pep
assemblies and other activities for "Spirit Week"
Window Painting Contest ('98-'99)
Created this new event during "Snowcoming
Spirit week," welcomed with enthusiasm by students and staff
March of Dimes Walk America ('99) Team Captain
Organized March of Dimes Walk America within
Warren Mott in a joint effort with East Detroit High School
Greatest amount of participation and funds
raised within past few years
Macomb Area Conference Student Activities
Representative for Warren Mott High School
Re-involved Warren Mott in the organization
Recognized for Outstanding Contributions
to Student Activities
Worked together with students from schools
across Macomb County in efforts to learn and improve our schools
Helped the community with donations to the
Salvation Army, Coalition on Temporary Shelters, and cards for nursing
homes and needy children