Bailey's Home Page Welcome to my webpage, but I guess everyone has to say that when you come to their webpage. Anyway, this is a small collection of my college life. I'm from Tucson, AZ and moved to Tacoma,WA for college. What a change!!! I attend the University of Puget Sound, there's a link at the bottom if you are interested in visiting the homepage. I hope you enjoy my site, and to all my friends back home I hope everything is going well, and hey write me an email when you get a chance. (click here to do so)
It's been about three years since I've edited this site, so time for an update. I no longer attend UPS, but am now at the University of Arizona. I've got some great memories of being in Washington, so no plans to alter the pictures. Besides attending classes, I also do researh at the Optical Sciences Center on campus. Click here if you would like to learn more about my research interests and group then click on my name in the lower right corner or click here to just learn about me and not the group.
Since I've been back home in Tucson I found a new love of cycling. I am a member of the DooDah road club: just a nice group of fun people who like to cause havoc in traffic. :) If you're interested in learning more about the cycling group click this website We are a really layed back bunch, so anyone and everyone is always welcome to join our group.
This is a link to my friend Jo Kiran's webpage He's from Norway and there are a lot of pictures of my international friends from 2002 school year, as well as a great memorial tribute to our friend Mathias Mohr who was killed in a cycling accident December 2001. I'll be leaving in January to study abroad at the University of Oslo with Jo and my friend Marianne. This is a great picture of a camping trip we took in the fall and one of a great party. Marianne is the blonde in the front, Jo is behind her in the glasses, and you can see Mathias behind him.
This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Joonah, Jo, me, Mathias and Marianne in Nogales, Mexico in the fall of 2001.
This is me and my cool friend Emily
This is Washington, aren't you jealous!!!
This is Mt. Rainier. We can see the mountain from campus, it is so beautiful!
Welcome to my campus. This is our small forest that we can romp around in. It's good times
This is the view outside my dorm.
This is the front of my campus
These are some more of my friends. (Can you spy Emily?)
This is another dorm.
This is the view of campus outside of Emily's dorm.
This is the best part of fall!!! (And me being a dork, what a surprise.)
This picture is just for fun. ;)
The coolest place in the world: Gotham City.
click on this picture of the dorms to go to the University of Puget Sound website (see Mt. Rainier?)
University of Puget Sound my friends Optical Sciences Center Mathias Mohr DooDah road club