1.   Doctor Zhivago
2.   The Sound of Music
3.   The English Patient
4.   Saving Private Ryan
5.   A Few Good Men
6.   The Guns of Navarone
7.   Casablanca
8.    Heat
9.   The Big CHill
10.  The Last of the Mohicans
11.  From Here to Eternity
12.  Platoon
13.  An Affair to Remember
14.  Rio Lobo
15.  Lethal Weapon Series


1.  A Tale of Two Cities -- Charles Dickens
2.  The Little Prince -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
3.  Jonathan Livingston Seagull: A Story -- Richard Bach
4.  The Canterbury Tales -- Geoffrey Chaucer
5.  The Man in the Iron Mask -- Alexander Dumas
6.  Anna Karenina -- Leo Tolstoy
7.  Doctor Zhivago -- Boris Pasternak
8.  The Making of a Surgeon -- William A. Nolan, MD
9.  The Island -- Gustaw Herling
10. A Farewell to Arms -- Ernest Hemingway
11. The Bridges of Madison County -- Robert J. Waller
12. The English Patient -- Michael Ondaatje
13. Written on the Body -- Jeanette Winterson
14. Snow Falling on Cedars -- David Guterson
15. Les Miserables -- Victor Hugo



My hobbies and interests include fishing, cooking, camping, traveling in foreign countries, chat, playing online games, people-watching, listening to music, dancing, playing chess, hanging out with friends, and talking smack.



1.  "He who seeks revenge must first dig two holes."
2.  Some men see things as they are, and say why, I dream of things that never were, and say why not.  -- RFK
3.  In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. -- Janos Arany
4.  It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
5.  Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
6.  "The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears."
7.  When we see men of worth, we should think of equaling them; when we see men of contrary character, we should turn inward and
      examine ourselves. -- Confucius
8.  Let him be asked for an account not merely of the words of his lessons, but of its sense and substance, and let him judge the
     profit he has made by the testimony not of him memory, but of his life. -- Montaigne
9.  "Tis better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
10. "Lead through knowledge and strength of mind but always follow your heart."
11. I treated him -- God cured him. -- Ambroise Pare
12. Medicine is not merely a science but an art.  The character of the physician may act more powerfully upon the patient than the
      drugs employed. -- Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus
13. Christianity gave eroticism its savor of sin and legend when it endowed the human female with a soul. -- Simone de Beauvoir
14. No one beneath you can offend you.  No one your equal would. -- Jan L. Wells
15. The wise are free from perplexities; the virtuous from anxiety; and the bold from fear. -- Confucius
16. When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes. -- Victor Hugo
17. I have three precious things which I hold fast and prize.  The first is gentleness; the second is frugality; the third is humility,
      which keeps me from putting myself before others.  Be gentle and you can be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal; avoid
      putting yourself before others and you can become a leader among men. -- Lao-Tzu
18. Virtue, though she gets her beginning from nature, yet receives her finishing touches from learning. -- Quintilian
19. No person was ever honored for what he received.  Honor has been the reward for what he gave.  -- Calvin Coolidge
20. Talents are best nurtured in solitude; character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
