Woodward Class of 59


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Our Accommodation Chairperson, Cissy Wilson Freiberg has made an arrangement with the Regal Hotel of Cincinnati, Ohio. We will use this hotel as the "hotel of choice" for our Reunion Weekend. The Rates are $89.00 for a single and $99.00 for a double.

Hotel Details

Make your reservations direct to the above number and if there are any problems contact Cissy Wilson Freibergawfreiberg@aol.com She will coordinate with the Regal. When making your reservations you will need to reference the "1959 Woodward Class Reunion".

The Following Individuals Have Confirmed Bookings as of July 3, 1999

First Name Last Name Single or Double Comments
William Blount Double Friday- Saturday N/S
Shelia Conrad Double Saturday N/S
Kay Klinker Detwiler Double Friday- Saturday N/S
Glenn Hergert Double Friday- Saturday N/S
Brian Herrmann Double Saturday N/S
Ron  Patton Double Friday- Saturday N/S
Ken Richter Double Saturday N/S