Woodward Class of 1959

Reunion at the Union

August 28, 1999

The Details - As of July 30, 1999

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Current Plans for the Event

On August 28, 1999


Times:     6:30 PM      Doors Open To Rotunda

                 6:30 PM     Reception /with Hors d'oeuvres

                 7:00 PM     Tribute Toast Gary Thornton & Class Photo- Class of 1959 (5 Minutes)

                 8:00 PM      Meal Served

                 9:00 PM      Show Time-- Band

               12:30 AM     Doors to Rotunda are Closed

Music:  The Re-Bobs  (Music over Five Decades)                  

Food and Beverages: Elegant Fare of Cincinnati

Cost: $50.00 per Attendee

Attire: Cruise Evening Casual....(open neck shirts for men, pants suits or dresses for ladies)                                                                                   

For Any Need Infomation

E-mail:     ken2learn@aol.com



Phone:    513-794-0181

Fax:         513-794-0182

                            Information for Payments


Make Check Payment to:

                            Dave Lepof - Woodward Reunion


Mail to:

                                        Class of 59 - Steering Committee

                                        C/O - J. Kenneth Richter

                                        10444 Stablehand Drive

                                        Cincinnati, OH 45242


No Tickets will be issued........... name tags will be generated from payment and available as you arrive at Union Terminal.