Attention Gamma Zeta Alumnae!

SPRING 2000 ALUMNAE NEWSLETTER! (complete with details on our upcoming Semi-formal)

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Hi. I'm the webmaster (or webmistress, I guess!) for the Gamma Zeta webpage. We're so glad you've stopped by! I had a suggestion from an alumna to provide some way for you all to be able to find old friends. Since school has started I don't have a lot of free time to figure out a more organized way to do this, so for now I'm just going to suggest that you either sign the guestbook and/or e-mail me at .

I will try to get a page up so you can find sisters you may have lost contact with. I will also try to work with our Alumnae Chair to contact all Gamma Zeta Alum's whose e-mail we have in our database. Until then, please take a little bit of time to check out what's going on at the Alpha Chi house this year. I'll try to keep things updated as regularly as possible. Hope to hear from you all!
Suzy Habluetzel

Please provide the following information when e-mailing me (if you copy and paste these lines from this page to your e-mail you won't have to keep switching windows.):
Maiden Name:
Married Name (if applicable):
Year Pledged:
E-mail address:
Webpage address (if applicable):
Current job:
Where you're at:


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