Hi, Welcome to the Gamma Zeta Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega! We hope you enjoy getting to know the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega, at Kansas State University. Please feel free to look around our site and come back to see us again soon!


The purpose of Alpha Chi Omega is, "To encourage the true spirit of sisterhood, to develop through personal effort a high moral and mental standard, and to advance the appreciation and practice of fine arts among its members." Just as years do not change the value of our friendship, present and future members of Alpha Chi Omega find the original purpose as worthy for themselves as it was for our first members. Our Founders desired an enhancement of their individual collegiate experiences, and their means to this was their bond of sisterhood. Time has shown both the goal and the means to be valid.

Alpha Chi Omega offers lifetime membership, experience in self- government, encouragement to develop to the fullest potential as an educated woman, acquaintance with many avenues of service to others, and commitment to high standards. Each and all of these results in pride in ourselves and pride in Alpha Chi Omega.

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Site Created and Maintained by: Suzanne Habluetzel