University careers exist as often in cyberspaz as cyberspace. However, along with the seemingly endless, greulling hours of study; mind-bending exams, and bad coffee. Campus Life does have its moments. Parties, dancing, clubbing or pub-hipping with friends, spring break, and social and philanthropic organizations all add dimension to these years.
For Jewish students, University is often an opportunity to fully realize the breadth and scope of Jewish Culture and Faith. Most importantly, it is often the first -and last- touch stone where "Jewish" might be integrated into "lifestyle".
Orange JUiC's mission is to provide not only academic resources and support, but that most precious encouragement to commit to a "Jewish Lifestyle" in and beyond university. To this end, Orange JUiC provides information to every denomination, political, and secular organization we come across. There is a niche in the Jewish world for everyone: Orthodox, Conservative [Masorti], Reconstructionist, Humanistic Judaism, Progressive [Reform], *Extremely* Refom, Secular, and even Atheists[sic].
Aside from websites, Orange JUiC's resources span as many functions and utilites as possible, including Usenet and Mailing Lists information which should help you to plan an introductory strategy for both areas of the Internet. There are even a few s-mail pointers when no other option is available.
Please sit back, roll and click, and generally enjoy the ride, "nuestra casa es suya", in the language of my 'buelitos.
Many campus organizations maintain newsgroups. If your ISP's news reader does not carry a particular newsgroup of interest to you try writing your site administratour requesting its addition. JUiC also maintains an infomative tutourial
In today's desk-to-world virtual office, this is a fine place for those
condisering Aliya to post a resume. Usenet offers a thousands of job newsgroups. Two other job resources for Israel: which recieves postings for all variety of work opportunities, and which is the posting area for professional positions. The Computer Jobs in Israel page is a well maintained, ever up-to-date resource.
A great start up for those who are just getting into the
addiction [NB: Don't forget to pass by #Hillel!]. There is also some IRC information under Fun Stuff and on the opening section of Haverim.
Hillel News
Many campus Hillels maintain newsgroups. Check out Orange JUiC's supplemental listing of Hillel newsgroups
Nova Universitity's
Inter-Links E-mail Discussion Groups Database |
Diane Kovacs'
Directoury of Scholarly and Professional E-Conferences |'s
Comprehensive Internet Reference to Discussion Lists |
List Link | Help Page |
Some other Mailing List resources:
College and University Homepage Directoury which is Christina DeMello's oevre formidable. It is The absolutely utlimate and complete list of homepages for colleges and universities world-wide! There is also the MACHBA list of servers in Israel. For those with more commercial tastes, GoCollege! offers interesting infomation.....prepare to be mass marketed!
College Board On-line
From help planning campus visits, on-line applications, SAT score senders, and other programme information, this is a great site for those considering campuses or considering changing schools. Kaplan v.Education Centers also offers many of the same services above as well as their famously brilliant preparation courses for graduate entry exams. The Kaplan site is really remarkable....don't take a test without it!!
Once your on campus and committed to wasting time on-line, visit, the quintessential tongue-in-check academic satire and paper exchange put together by Kenny Sahr. There is
only this Spring a new site.
And "Motty" [no other information available] has opened up another school site.
NB: Hebrew software sites for those in need.
HILLEL, is the traditional and most encompasing center point of
Jewish Campus life. Today Hillel's provide spiritual, kashrus, social, and even hosteling opportunities all
over the world from Bulgaria to the Palouse. There are a number of Hillel's running comprehensive lists of Hillel's and JSA's on-line, two of the best are the Miami list, and in-depth national listing, and the Hillels and Jewish Student Groups Around the World, list by the student's of the Greater
Washington Hillels. To contact Hillel International:
Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC, 20036-3278
Purdue Hillel
Boilermaker Jewish life in Indiana
PU-Hillel has links to the Alpha Epsilon Pi campus chapter. Brother Ryan Dorman is in Israel this term and was writen up in the local paper. A fine History of AEPi is available on the National Headquarters server. There are also official pages for Sigma Alpha Mu, the Sammies; Zeta Beta Tau, and the Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority.
Yahoo's hits on "../Judaism/Student_Groups/"
The British Are Coming!
"Societies" are becoming more and more of a
Web presence. Union of Jewish Students, the national body which represents the interest of Jewish students in the UK and Ireland. Not to be outdone,
Union of Israelian Students in the UK, the body which representst the interests of Israelians studying in the UK. Here is a list of a few that have been up and running for a while.
And it's not jsut the Brits! The Jewish Studens in Europe have a new site.
This is the group which maintains the STUDENTS - L. Orange JUiC takes a moment to say qol haqovod to all the students in the EC who have worked
to raise community pride! Visit the Geneva Union of Jewish Students who every winter break organize an internation student's ski trip.......keep it in mind, ya sports fanatics! For information helpful to students throughout the EC, visit
European Union of Jewish Students.
Canada is also linking up! There is a national student's listserv and the indespensible McGill Hillel ZIONet. Other Jewish Federations on-line:
Lights in Action
LIA sends out mailings to the broadest lists of Jewish students it can put together at any point in time which are provacative and meant to begin a dialectic with regards to Jewish and Zionist identity.
This is an amazing group and Orange JUiC expects to see even more controversial, educational, and enlightening things from them in Fall '97!
WUJS: World Union of Zionist Students
Located in Arad, maintains one of the formost language and integration programmes. Primarily a point for olim hadoshim [new immigrants], WUJS also offers a number of language and discovery programmes for non-immigrants of all ages. A compendium of Special and Summer Programmes and Study Abroad links, including Ulpanim and Kibbutz is maintained on the the JUiC Supplement page. WUJS also runs a list. Further Ulpanim and Kibbutzim information are available elsewhere on the Jewish in Cyberspace Web.
Fellowships, Awards and Scholarships
From work study abroad programmes to longer term employment, all the way to aliya, Israel presents an endless array of options for young Jews. Again WiZO comes through with a superb list of current job postings [Caveat The WiZO server wont always take direct paths. If you receive a 404 message, try and go to aliya and then jobs ]. There is also the very famous Computer Jobs in Israel Jacob Richman's fine and oft used list originally was posted on a few mailing lists and soc.culture.jewish. Now, Jacob has his own domain, and the list has gone hypertext.
AACI, Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel, with funding from the Israel Ministry of Science and the Samis Foundation has created Israel Jobnet, an up-to-date database of job sites in Israel with focus on olim hadashim [new immigrants]. Now whether you live in Jerusalem, Haifa, Eilat, New York, Sydney, Moscow or anywhere in the world, you can keep up-to-date with the job market in Israel from your office or home computer. Both human resource departments and the jobnet staff have direct access to update the site daily. The Ministry of Information also sponsours an "Executive Placement" site the purpose of which is the recruitment and placement of executives and technical experts, both in the U.S. and Israel. Further job search links.
Haverim, the v.Cousin's Club provides links to personal pages and personals!
Continuing Studies and Elder Hostels
Israel Sci-Fi Fandom
A Babylon5-Israel discussion takes place every Saturday, about 00:20. Join #B5Israel on the official B5 IRC server: 6667 .
There is also Israel X-Files chat Tuesday, after the weekly episode, on DALNET.
Join #israelx-files via one of these servers:
Hebrew Fonts via SNUNIT --where *oodles* of great sofrware and other Internet resource information reside. Tucows, the ultimate softare site is also a great place for editours and fonts [Israel mirror].
IPhone allows you to chat real time voice with friends!
FaxSave, send a free fax on the Internet!
Make your own page! The definitive HTML Primer is also a fine resource.
Music Maestro!
Both the NEIMA, Jewish Music Institute @Hebrew College, Boston, and Jewish Collegiate a Capella Information page are excellent references for those not as tone deaf as the authour.
Language, music, au pair travel around the world , plus discount language schools!
If you love travel, dont hesitate to check out the Planet Earth. Or perhaps
Orange JUiC's own Israel page which is loaded with virtual tours, real trip guides, information for a short stay to aliya! For the arm-chair surfers, put Scott Yanoff's Best of the Net to the test! ...Or, you can find something on your own with the amazing 128 Search Engines!
Strickly Jewish-Israelian searches
Personal Seek Search Engine | Lookup Directory Services | WhoWhere? | Four11 - White Page Directory | Internet Address Finder | Israelian White Pages |
The Kook's Museum
or entirely c apitulate to dadistic integrity and check out SPORK World. More high-brow tastes might enjoy WebMuseums and Cultural Resources Guide, the largest selection of links to on-line museums world-wide! This site includes links to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the
Museum of Modern Art, NY; and the Musuem of Fine Arts, Boston.
Shrine of the Book
This museum houses the Dead Sea Scrolls, amongst other historical and religious texts and
is second only to HaQotel in historical importance.
For an authentic multimedia experience, visit the Television and Radio Museum.
"ANDRE the GIANT has a Web page "
....and a posse
Electronic Newstand
"The Ultimate Magaizine site"
Quotes pages
...For something deep to say.
Amazingly enough there are a number of duckies on line. Usenet has and, not to mention
the The web boasts some fantastic DuQmania as
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Last updated:    29 July 1997
© Orange JUiC