Hello all,
Since it looks like our e-circles page has bit the dust, we'll have to put up with my web page. I'm sorry if it doesn't look great, but my web skills are as bad as my fooseball skills :-).
I will try to add as much as I can, but I could only salvage two of the Fooseball pics. I will also have a contacts page where all the latest information should be (hopefully at elast an email address). If you guys move or want to change something, please email me at droussin@engr.uvic.ca. I will always get this email until I graduate (April 2002, WOOHOO!).
So, I hope everyone is having fun in whatever they are doing and please try to keep your info updated so we can have another lunch. Feel free to comment on the page and let me know if you want anything posted. I will even post messages that you guys want, just mail me. See y'all at the next lunch/dinner.