1. u love ta gamble, ta the point of selling ur houe, wife, kids & car
2. u use ur place of business to carry out an "unerground" gambling ring"
3. u probably own a brothel under ur restaurant or shop
4. u steal other people's fruits when u were young.
5. u probably STILL swipe other people's fruits
6. u like listening to Chinese music even if u don't understand a word of it.
7. ur mom and dad try to have sex, even when they are over 40, just to get 5 another youngin' in the family.
8. ur mom and dad sleeps separately and treats each other like brother and sister.
9. ur dad was likely to be in the war.
10. u probably have namy step-brothers and sisters 'cuz ur parents have been married before, probably several times.
11. u have different boxes of flavored noodles in the pantry.
12. u have pictures of Chinese moviestars in ur house.
13. For drinking parties, u can make 4-5 different dishes from one item.
14. u don't throw any part of an animal away when u cook
15. u often find non-traditional meat kept in the freezer of a vietnamese restaurant.
16. u believe an 80% off sale is still expensive
17. ur parents always talk about going back to Vietname...to stay.
18. u use "ond dac hoi" and flame to create a vacuum for sucking the bad blood out of ur body.
19. u love to eat "PHO"
20. u have an uncle or aunt that is your age or younger.
21. ur parents think that u'll never return them a favor or do anything for them after all the love they gave u.
22. Half of ur house is built by ur dad's very own hands.
23. when u get in trouble, ur mom makes u lay down on ur stomach while she whips u w/a very think stick.
24. u get into a fight 'cuz someone stares @ ur gf/bf.
25. u get into a fight 'cuz someone stares @ u too long.
26. ur favorite season on the year is football or tennis season
27. u travel to big cities w/lots of Asian stores to buy cases of fish sauce, soy sauce, MsG, noodles, canned goods, etc.
28. u say the word "Du Ma" five times in one sentence.
29. u bring American music (rap, dance, techno, etc.) back to Vietnam so that they would get caught up w/the latest fad.
30. u bring tons and tons of clothes back to Vietnam to give away.
31. When u were sick, there are red streaks all over ur body as a result of coining that looks like whipping marks.
32. u gota school w/the coining marks and all the other kids and teachers think ur parents are abusive...which they r.
33. u have oyster/clam shell frames and pictures all around ur house.
34. u eat salted duck eggs that look like they r thousands of yrs old from the outside.
35. ur parents couldn't speak English well, so when people ask "How are you doing?", they just giggle...and act like they understand it.
36. When people speak English to your parents and they don't understand it, they play it off just by laughing.
37. u listen to the same Vienamese songs sung by many different singers over and over.
38. when people ask ur parents "How are u doing?", the respond w/"am-five!"
39. u are still waiting for New-Wave to come back.
40. u rent Chinese movies w/about 20-30 tapes.
41. u drive a really nice car, but live in a really crappy house.
42. u live in a really nice house, but has a really crappy car.
43. Both ur house and ur car is crappy.
44. White people panic when u move into a really nice neighborhood 'cuz they think u'll lower the property value.
45. "For Sale" signs starts to pop up around ur neighborhood when u move in.
46. Someone in ur family or someone u know owns or works in a nailshop(manicures/pedicures).
47. u are paid to go back to Vietnam and do a fake marriage in order to bring their niece or nephew, son or daughter over to the States.
48. u flip through the TV channels and stop when u see an Asian person and say: "Hey, he/she's ASIAN!!!"
49. ur parents been to every Asian store in town.
50. one of ur parents dont like spending money.
51. ur parents r racist to other Viet people
52. ur parents r afraid of black people they dont know.
53. ur parents dislike hispanics even more.
54. Did somebody say free????
55. u cheap.