Had to make a Best Friends page, so here we go...

I Love You Coatney!! "All dressed up to be what you want/taught me to be"~VS

Anyone been watching "Jackass?"

Mindy's not only family but one of my dearest friends

The 4 cousins with maw-maw on the Parkway

Psuedo-related, Tadd & I have been like bro & sis from way back

My best friend in the whole world is my sister Jessica

The pinnacle of the "Mafia" existed when the "Dirty Dozen" stumbled, terrorized, and had fun throughout the city of Asheville.
courtney, tracy, melis, me, kathryn, rima, jamie, beth, heidi, faith, noelle, & jen.

Most of the crew from high school at Meredith's wedding, Summer 2002

Ruby Slippers