Hello, welcome to my room. Now that i have you all alone here...... what can i do with you!!
This is the latest picture of me, taken Dec 11th, 1998. Kinda scary eh?
My name is Janice and i enjoy reading, writing, drawing, school (yes school), and i love animals!!! Am currently in college and my course is Pre-tech, which is a mixture of woodworking, welding, automotive, electronics, architecture etc.
My favorite colour is purple but it doesn't show up well here. I'm from Canada (by the Sleeping Giant for those fellow Canadians who have heard of it) in case you can't tell by the way i spelled colour!! This is my first attempt at a page so bear with me. My e-mail is Swordmaiden@yahoo.com so write and tell me how i'm doing so far. I aim to please but tend to be kinda boring til you get to know me, enjoy the page.
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