Setting up a list of my favourite haunts and my own pages!
Jane Austen is a favourite novelist of mine, and I have spent many hours in her company and in the company of other Austenites. I joined the Nordicausten group in 1998 and have since been at 3 meetings arranged in that circle!

Meeting in Stockholm, May, 1999

P&P Opera inMalmø, August, 1999

Meeting in Copenhagen, August, 2000

*Austen Goes Europe Meeting in Vienna 
July 2001

My RoP Meeting,
England 2002

The Official RoP Report
My Travels
Bath 2002
     America 1978

Australia 1976
Africa 1975
Europe:  France
My Summers on the island of Fanø
Favourite Haunts
Republic of Pemberley
Derbyshire Writers' Guild
Blackstar Videos
Me , Myself and Hanne
My Euro Class
1999 to 2002
Euro-students of 2002