erika - Version 1.1 by MrNybbles.
erika [-a addr] [-f filename] [-n port] [-r referrer] [-u useragent] url
-a addr
Address in standard numbers-and-dots notation.
-n port
Port number.
Will not override the port number in the url if present.
-r referrer
The Referrer to report.
-f filename
Save file with this filename.
-u useragent
The User-Agent to report. A quoted string may be used.
The default User-Agent string is IE 5.x.
A URL to a resource on the Internet.
Prints this help screen.
--pause:off (default)
This program will wait for a keystroke before exiting if on.
When no parameters are passed --pause:on is assumed.
If the server replies with a 300 Multiple Choices response this program
will save the choices as a file named index300.htm.
From RFC 2616 4.4 Message Length
"If a message is received with both a Transfer-Encoding header field
and a Content-Length header field, the latter MUST be ignored."
If this behavior for dealing with a non-compliant server does not work
you can override this behavior.
--transfer-encoding:chunked Forces chunked transfer encoding.
--transfer-encoding:identity Forces non-chunked transfer encoding.
--transfer-encoding:header Transfer encoding follows RFC 2616 rules.