Bare-Bones Editors

Cream -- A clone of the powerful VIM text editor. This is a moded editor so you better know what you are doing!

Notepad++ -- A powerful modeless text editor for creating programs, web pages, etc. . .

Graphics Tools

Gimp -- A powerful graphics editor. I suggest tracking down some tutorials if you plan to use this software.

Gimpshop -- A port of Gimp made to behave more like Adobe Photoshop.

Inkscape -- A powerful SVG (Scailable Vector Graphics) editor.

Irfanview -- A small but powerful graphics viewer and manipulator by Irfan Skiljan.

Programming IDEs

Dev-C++ -- A powerful C++ IDE (a front-end to the Mingw or Cygwin compilers.) Unfortunately it is no longer being developed.

wxDev-C++ -- An extension of the powerful Dev-C++ IDE adding RAD (Rapid Application Development) wxWidget support. Unlike Dev-C++ this is still under active development.

Web Development

Amaya -- An HTML/CSS graphical editor from the WC3.

Aptana Studio -- Web 2.0 IDE.

Aptana Cloud -- Web Application Suite.

Aptana Jaxer -- An Ajax Server.

WYMeditor -- A strict XHTML graphical editor.

My Projects

erika -- A command line HTTP/1.1 compliant download utility. It displays the request and response headers (which may be saved by redirecting standard out) so you can see what is really going on. Currently it does not support resuming file downloads or compression content codings. [Manual] [Download]