10/10/00 04:10:21
Name: Jen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: The Matrix | Your favorite TV show: X-Files | Your favorite thing to do: Read |
Your favorite color: Black | One word to describe yourself: Contradictory | Best quotation you know: Kids, don't blow up any federal buildings (my dad said that) |
Beth is awesome. Just wait til I get my pictures(of her) onto her webpage. kind of funny-beth's page has pictures not of beth but mostly jen, so I think Ill just make my webpage pictures of beth! Then we'll go for the Beth AND Jen page....
09/06/00 03:35:21
Name: Wes Janik | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: Gattaca | Your favorite TV show: Babylon 5 | Your favorite color: "Blue... No, Yellooowww!" |
One word to describe yourself: Beast | Best quotation you know: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." -He ry David Thoreau - Walden | ad not lived." -Henry David Thoreau - Walden: |
Nice site! I wish my own "pictures" section was so well organized. Besides a keen organizational sense, though, you have an unparalleled ability to maintain conversation with total strangers. As such, I'm very glad to have met you :)
05/17/00 03:04:11
Name: Bobo | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: The Rocky Horror Picture Show | Your favorite TV show: Sabrina the teenage witch | Your favorite thing to do: Hack on my practice pad |
Your favorite color: Black | One word to describe yourself: Drummer |
"I would teach the children physics, philosophy, and music; and of these, music is the most important, for in the arts lies the understanding of all humanities."
- Plato
04/04/00 04:21:29
Name: William A. Cook | My Email: Email Me | Your favorite movie: Diggstown |
Your favorite TV show: Dunno | Your favorite thing to do: Golf | Your favorite color: Silver |
One word to describe yourself: Golf | Best quotation you know: I dunno |
02/13/00 21:53:32
Name: Aaron Eilers | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan | Your favorite TV show: Star Trek (the original series) | Your favorite thing to do: Absolutely nothing |
Your favorite color: Blue |
Hi there. I found your page from a link on your sister's page and I just thought I'd say hi.
09/27/99 23:42:29
Name: Justin Hyde | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: The good the bad and the ugly. (clint eastwood) | Your favorite TV show: Xfiles | Your favorite thing to do: Think. Not nececarillly about anything worthwhile or productive |
One word to describe yourself: capricious | Best quotation you know: "If youre going to shoot, shoot, dont talk" Tuco from the good the bad and the ugly. |
Beth, I enjoyed your web site. I tried to visit it earlier but today was the first day I was allowed access. I love the xfiles, although I am kind of out of the loop after missing some of the episodes from last year. you are as easy on the eyes as I re
ember. I dont know cedar rapids all that well. You should think of something exciting to do. I enjoy anything. except bowling. I guess you have to draw the line somewhere. I cant bowl. I am usually an easy going guy but bowling angers me like nothin
else. Let me know what works best for you.
06/15/99 17:30:18
Name: Sean | My Email: Email Me | Your favorite movie: Braveheart |
Your favorite TV show: Don't watch much tv | Your favorite thing to do: fly | Your favorite color (be specific!): Ocean Blue |
One word to describe yourself: Distinguished | Best quotation you know: Go ahead and die so you can live |
05/25/99 06:38:35
Name: I'm not creative | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: Fifth Element | Your favorite TV show: I think you are Cute | Your favorite color (be specific!): Mediterainian Blue |
One word to describe yourself: WONDERFUL | Best quotation you know: It's better to jump than hesitate. |
Hey write me sometime...I'm from Cedar Rapids and I think you are very good looking :)
Martin Battaliou - 04/30/99 00:21:26
My URL:http://www.warezcities.com/users/General_Warez/jscript/mirror.html
My Email:battaliou@usa.net
heheh nice page but mine better hehhe
03/30/99 05:04:34
Name: Curt Alan Jackson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: The Hunt for Red October | Your favorite thing to do: Cycling, Lacrosse, and Running | Your favorite color (be specific!): The Macintosh Beige |
One word to describe yourself: Huh | Best quotation you know: "Yea Communism" |
Well Bethie, I like your page it's lots of fun. I miss seeing you everyday in class. I wonder, can you survive without Sarah and I bothering you in Campbell's Humanities every day?
02/22/99 03:22:11
Name: James | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: don't know | Your favorite TV show: SportsCenter | Your favorite thing to do: Play online, Life Weights, Mountain Bike |
Your favorite color (be specific!): Blue | One word to describe yourself: Funny or Intelligent | Best quotation you know: Life's a bitch, then you die, get over it. |
Hey there, i just wanted to sign the guestbook, so I could put in that quote. Cool Site
02/05/99 19:32:14
Name: Manda Hale | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: Star Trek II The Wrath of Kahn | Your favorite TV show: Xena:Warrior Princess | Your favorite thing to do: watch xena and paint my nails |
Your favorite color (be specific!): Royal Purple | One word to describe yourself: opinionated | Best quotation you know: Callisto:"I've missed you xena." Xena:"You never wrote." |
I love you Bethe. I had this uncanny desire to resign your geustbook. I just edited my page so check it out! see ya later aligator!
02/03/99 21:04:41
Name: Karie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: 16 candles | Your favorite thing to do: play tennis | Your favorite color (be specific!): navy blue |
Best quotation you know: i love my lungs! |
mold yourself to your couch and drink lots of kool-aid :-)
02/03/99 21:03:18
Name: Karie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Your favorite movie: 16 candles |
01/01/99 05:48:22
Name: Bruce Eilers | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Your favorite movie: Dr. Zhivago (does that date me? |
Your favorite TV show: The Practice | Your favorite thing to do: bicycling |
As a long-time high school teacher, I've heard a lot of graduation speeches. Yours is possibly the best.
11/06/98 09:58:51
Name: Arthur Dent | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: so many great movies...well...the best one i've seen lately was Pink Floyd The Wall | Your favorite TV show: The Drew Carey Show (he also has a show with a handful of other comics called, "what's my line" or somethin' like that, where everything they do is completely improvised on the spot. it's hilarious) | Your favorite thing to do: skateboard =0) |
Your favorite color (be specific!): that shade of blue that you see in the sky on one of those days where the clouds are thin and few and far between | One word to describe yourself: open | Best quotation you know: "No one travels so high as he who knows not where he is going." --Cromwell and... "The world lost more than it ever gained, the day we learned how rainbows were made." --Mark Twain |
Hello. If you don't remember me, it's because we've never met. Your sister showed me her page and from there, I stumbled upon your poems. I was impressed. You are very talented. Though I'm sure many people have told you that before, Ms. Valedictorian
Anyway...the main reason I'm signing this now is mainly to flatter you and tell you that I was very impressed with your talent, and I hope to talk with you sometime and maybe I can explain some of the responses I had to your questions you have on this g
estbook. Anyway...it's actually quite late and I still have the rest of your sister's page to look through, so maybe I'll have to come back again later and sign again. I hope to meet you some time... Arthur Dent, the blunt taoist.
10/13/98 18:59:14
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
09/14/98 22:32:33
Name: Connie Chavez | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: Interview With a Vampire | Your favorite TV show: X Files | Your favorite thing to do: listen to music |
Your favorite color (be specific!): purple | One word to describe yourself: creative | Best quotation you know: Life is a journey from one point to another. You know where you will end up, but you don't know what route will get you there. |
Hey...this page is a lot better than animalhouse...but you get more freedom too! I dig what you're into...we have a lot in common...I especially like Mulder's poster...I've always loved that thing.....I dig you senior pic too....my school's weren't that n
ce or elegant...but oh well...can't argue it now!! Cute dog by the way
09/07/98 05:29:17
Name: Cousin Bob | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: Conan | Your favorite TV show: Red Green | Your favorite thing to do: not telling |
Your favorite color (be specific!): black (specific enough) | One word to describe yourself: tall,good looking, Smart ass | Best quotation you know: If they can't find you handsome they should at least find you handy. |
Your sister gave me the address to her page and said follow the links here. So here I am and I like what I see. I liked your speech. Your point was well stated. I'll keep an eye on both your page and hers. I will expect to see more.
08/28/98 14:04:42
Name: Chad Derlein | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: Titantic | Your favorite TV show: Drew Carey | Your favorite thing to do: Swimming |
Your favorite color (be specific!): Blue | One word to describe yourself: Entergentic | Best quotation you know: Just Do it |
Hey beth, you are a very cool person. You are very, very, very, very smart, good grammer huh :). I wish you the very best in college and further experences out of college.
08/27/98 12:48:47
Name: LawfulEvil | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite TV show: Xena | Your favorite thing to do: Play Hockey/Halloween | Your favorite color (be specific!): Blue |
One word to describe yourself: LawfulEvil | Best quotation you know: Get lost. |
Found your page through my Guestbook.
08/15/98 10:15:05
Name: mekhla Sinha | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: my best friend's wedding | Your favorite TV show: Mind your Language | Your favorite thing to do: making friends |
Your favorite color (be specific!): Royal blue | One word to describe yourself: moody | Best quotation you know: live and let live |
Hi!its me Mekhla,just taking alook at your homepage!You know what its really fantastic!!!!!!!!
07/31/98 21:48:45
Name: Michelle | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: Ski Patrol | Your favorite TV show: Party of Five | Your favorite thing to do: play soccer |
Your favorite color (be specific!): green | One word to describe yourself: energetic | Best quotation you know: "People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do." |
07/29/98 04:28:38
Name: Gina Lee Gildersleeve | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: National Lampoons Xmas Vacation | Your favorite TV show: Say What? | Your favorite thing to do: Hang out, Party, have fun |
Your favorite color (be specific!): Blue and Teal | One word to describe yourself: Unique | Best quotation you know: What I am is what I am are you what you are or what? |
Hey girlie girl what's up, your page is pretty phat.....I like it.......I saw your pic and I expected something different......
It's all good though..
07/28/98 21:31:52
Name: Julie | My Email: Email Me | Your favorite movie: Lion King, Bye-Bye Birdie |
Your favorite TV show: Home Improvment, The Real World | Your favorite thing to do: theatre, sing,act, laugh | Your favorite color (be specific!): green (all shades, except like pukey green) |
One word to describe yourself: unique | Best quotation you know: the best advice is the hardest to take |
Hey Beth! This is your email buddy, Julie, in Ohio! I think your page is cool, I love the opening picture, and your senior pic is a really good pic! I hope we keep in touch throughout college!
07/27/98 22:22:19
Name: Amanda Hale | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn | Your favorite TV show: Xena | Your favorite thing to do: fill in puzzles |
Your favorite color (be specific!): Royal Purple | One word to describe yourself: weird | Best quotation you know: OOOOOhhh Navy Seals! |
Bethefay sounds nice on her webpage. What happens in real life to her?
07/26/98 20:45:21
Name: Steven Klemzak | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: adult contempary | Your favorite TV show: Touched by an Angel | Your favorite thing to do: Sleep(I get very little of it) |
Your favorite color (be specific!): royal blue | One word to describe yourself: interesting | Best quotation you know: If you can dream it you can do it |
You have a nice homepage, once you get everything figured out on it it will be a great homepage
07/25/98 18:52:11
Name: your sister | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your favorite movie: "Kiss Me Kate" | Your favorite TV show: The X-files | Your favorite thing to do: sleep |
Your favorite color (be specific!): deep, dark, inky black | One word to describe yourself: annoying | Best quotation you know: "Life is pain, anyone who tells you different is selling something." |
I want the roses. How did you do the roses? Those aren't your flower. Those are mine. You brat. I really like what you've done so far. Love ya!!!!!!! Your annoying big sis.