I Have a lots of sweets memories, that I keep in my mind........SO, that you know that's I'm a very go lucky person and I will do something that weird either I didn't care what people say  to me or not.Who cares!!!!!!!HEHEheh......WELL  The stories are BEGAN!!!!!!!!!!
Barking at the dog.
    Well, this scene was happened when I was around form three....I was went back from my friend's house near around my neighbourhood. One Dog, which I assumed it as a regular customer because he will be sat infront my chinese neighbour house to plead his meal. Ok's to be a interesting story, every evening my neigbourhood will be full and surrounded by many children's to play.  Hehehehe... I walked to my house and I saw him already taking it's space infront on my neighbour house which it's situated straight infront of my house. On my way, some of kids disturbing the dog.
    I warned them not disturbing it's but them not listening to me. Meanwhile,  I was continued my walked. All of Sudden, the dog started barking and chased me...I don't know, what I'm surpposed to do,so I ran along my neighbourhood. Nobody wants to help me. I'm getting tired and my heart beat so fast. I have to stopped. The dog keep chasing me. The dog seems wants to bite me..I'm in all my tired and courage, I'm barking at the dog , meanwhile at the same time in my heart said "I'm  not  the one who disturbing you, please go away..I'm an innocent person". Can you believe that, I was barking at the dog seems we just like on debates competition.The dog , turn its way and back to it's place. In my mind said," Hah....... the dog understand want I'm barking about". So, I went back home and the dog just stare at me. 
Wearing something up side down and done something it's really craa...aaazy!!!!!!
    Well, I'm just likes some teenagers who was been late to schools and done some things seems out of my minds. I been late to school and I wore a difference shoes and makes me a glamour person's in my schools with names nerd. I'm also known as "Minyak", "Kicap", "Hitam" because  my skin is black. Hehehe!!!! I Don't my they called me that named because "I'M A HAPPY gO LUcKy PeRSons".
    If , I go to fast food restaurant, usually Mc Donald's with my friends we will be do something it's to be a "happening" situation. So, we will be stare  a guy who eats alone, and makes him hots!!!! Also we will be throws an ice cube to some teenagers by a straw, that we already chewed it's. If it's on target, we will laugh and makes the situation hots........ So, that's me....
    My sweetest date was I was in form five. I was date with a guy that famous in my schools which as known as "Jonathan Brandis". I was a happy person on that day. Maybe U wants to know, how I can go out with him?Ok..heheheh.
    On my age, I'm was a person always disturbing someone in a phone. So, one's of my friends knows him telephone numbers, so I called him.We talk on the phone , he always called me even he didn't knows me. Actually he already finished his SPM.
     One night, he called me and sang a song " You are not alone" by Michael Jackson, because his knows on that days I'm stayed alone because my family went back to my hometown. He so romantics and the day seems fresh in my mind. He asked to a date but I not confident because his so gorgeous and I'm not.
    He said, good looking it's doesn't matter. So, I went out with him and I'm told my friends that I will have a date with him. My friends shouted at me and they cannot believe what I'm saying. So the day we promise it's come, I with my nervous feeling go the place we said. We go to KfC at KTM Berhad KL, we have a lunched and he wearing his blue shirt and soft green slack with baretta cap.
    When him taking off his cap, he so gorgeous with his hair seems likes Jonathan Brandis on his snow white skin..oh.........I'm  .........feel so bombastics....Just like fly in the sky..The way he smile, they his eyes staring at me...It's fresh in my minds..............