Welcome to the CyberHome of WYK'88 Alumni at GeoCities.
This is one of many sites in the Internet established by and for alumni of Wah Yan College Kowloon (WYK).
This site is dedicated to those who joined WYK in September '83, most of which departed as the Class of '88.
This is the cyberplace to be, where we can re-discover good, old friends from our splendid past and re-new our treasured friendship.

Hi ! I'm Patrick F.H. Lai, your friendly WebSite Manager.
I started this mess on 07/19/98 18:02:30, but I have barely done the minimum since then.
(My professor has given me a tough project. Please bear with me.)
I'll try my best to make time for the construction of this WebSite as soon as time becomes available.

E-mail me at patrick.lai@utoronto.ca in the meantime.
Please come back later to visit us.

Please click here for RECENT NEWS about WYK'88 alumni around the world.
(Upcoming weddings are also listed.)

Listing of WYK'88 Alumni:
(E-mail addresses and other contact information for about 60 of us are available from the WebSite Manager at patrick.lai@utoronto.ca.)

Class 1A1:
Frederick (TreeBear / Brother Hung) S.H. AU] [2. Tony Y.T. AU YEUNG] [3. Jackal FatBond (/Bonnie) K.P. CHAN] [4. Rocky K.W. CHAN] [5. Eddie (MoLeung) L.N. CHAN] [6. Francis T.K. Benedick CHAN] [7. Vincent Orange W.H. CHAN] [8. Frederick THX W.S. CHAN] [9. Alan GarbageWheels K.Y. CHAU] [10. Matthew Paul BigYear W.N. CHAU] [11. Clarks Nelson (Newsy) K.L. CHEUNG] [12. Eric K.S. CHEUNG] [13. Stephen (JiuLo) S.Y. CHIU] [14. Carl ("Carol"-king) M.K. CHO] [15. Tony the MachineMan K.H. CHOW] [16. Eric LemonCoke L.N. CHOW] [17. Sylvester S.K. HSU] [18. Joseph (Hui-mo) M.C. HUI] [19. Richard S.Y. KWAN] [20. Raymond (Uncle Ban) C.Y. KWONG] [21. James the Gorilla W.M. KWONG] [22. Bobby C.K. LAI] [23. Patrick F.H. LAI] [24. Keith 'S+B' K.K. LAI] [25. Raymond K.G.B. C.P. LAW] [26. Kam Ho LEE] [27. Simon Old-Skin K. LEE] [28. William S.W. LEE] [29. Eddie (XX) S.L. LEUNG] [30. John T.C. van Bas-Louie] [31. Peter Joseph 6-pcs K. LUK] [32. Kenneth 50-cent H.K. NG] [33. Larry the Monkey L.Y. NG] [34. Andy K.M. SO] [35. Alan the BirdCage / Superman C.L. TANG] [36. Benny BigTwin T.H. TONG] [37. Victor SmallTwin T.K. TONG] [38. Steve (the "Dentist") A.Y. WONG] [39. Cecil Bananas H.L. WONG] [40. Alan FatMugg K.H. WONG] [41. Kenneth FatSheep S.H. WONG] [42. Siemens (DaiBiHo) K.H. YAM] [43. Bartle YIP] [44. Wyman Bruce BrainMarble S.M. YUM].
[Class Teacher: Miss Maria Che On YU].
[Class Camp Photo, circa 1986.] [Our Second Last (Unofficial) Class Photo, 88April22.][Our Last (Unofficial) Class Photo, 88June26.]

Class 1A2:
[1. Desmond the Goaltender C.K. CHAN] [2. Steven K.S. CHAN] [3. K.H. CHAN] [4. K.K. CHAN] [5. W.S. CHAN] [6. C.Y. CHENG] [7. Grease M.H. CHENG] [8. Ken K.L. CHEONG] [9. Jack TallMan C.F. CHEUNG] [10. T.W. CHEUNG] [11. Paul Y.K. CHOW] [12.
Edwin Dream W.B. CHOY] [13. H.N. CHUNG] [14. Daniel C.K. HUI] [15. W.C. IP] [16. Ringo W.K. LAM] [17. Victor Y.H. LAM] [18. Lawrence FatBoy F. LAU] [19. Kenneth W.H. LAW] [20. W.T. LEE] [21. Leslie-then-Alex-then-Johnson-then-Basil-then.... K.W. LEUNG] [22. Alan M.C. LEUNG] [23. Tommy W.O. LEUNG] [24. Michael RiceMan M.C. LO] [25. T.C. LO] [26. Aldous S.K. Mak] [27. James C.K. NG] [28. David K.C. NG] [29. P.H. NG] [30. Ray S.F. NG] [31. Herman C.W. PANG] [32. Anthony A.Y. SHUM] [33. Carleton C.C. SUEN] [34. Gregory Timothy Y.L. TANG] [35. Albert K.M. TSUI] [36. Raymond K.M. WAI] [37. H.W. WONG] [38. Edward the SquidBoy T.M. WONG] [39. Samuel the Master W.H. WONG] [40. Alan W.M. YAN] [41. Michael W.C. YIU] [42. Gabriel W.H. YU] [43. Kelvin the FishKid K.K. YUE] [44. Ringo (High Court) C.HoBee YUEN].
[Class Teacher: Mr. Alan W.H. LAM].

Class 1A3:
[1. Francis C.P. AU] [2. K.H. AU] [3. C.M. CHAN] [4.
Raymond C.W. (Gundam) CHAN] [5. K.C. CHAN] [6. K.F. CHAN] [7. S.P. CHAN] [8. Y.C. CHAN] [9. Raymond K.M. CHANG] [10. Y.M. CHOW] [11. (Fat) Andy K.C. CHOI] [12. Victor W.T. CHU] [13. Eric C.L. CHUNG] [14. Percival the BusDriver F.K. HO] [15. Patrick P.C. HO] [16. Edward the Peking Man HUGH] [17. K.M. HUI] [18. Martin (Marlo) S.T. HUI] [19. Stanley S.H. LAU] [20. K.O. LEE] [21. C.P. LEUNG] [22. Frankie K.T. LEUNG] [23. P.S. LEUNG] [24. Y.L. LEUNG] [25. W.L. LI] [26. S.P. LO] [27. Patrick K.C. MA] [28. Ben P. NGAI] [29. Randolph K.C. POON] [30. W.T. SOM] [31. Jeff K.F. TAM] [32. Y.L. TANG] [33. Peter S.F. TSE] [34. John Bosco C.W. WONG] [35. Peter C.H. WONG] [36. K.M. WONG] [37. Christopher John (Y.M.) WU] [38. Tony K.M. WU] [39. W.S. WU] [40. Clive K.H. YEUNG] [41. Roger C.H. YIP] [42. Alan P.K. YIP] [43. C.W. YU] [44. H.F. YUEN].
[Class Teacher: Mr. Mark C.K. WONG].

Class 1B1:
[1. C.S. CHAN] [2. Alan K.C. CHAN] [3. Petrus K.C. CHAN] [4. Richard L.T. CHAN] [5. Wallace Shum Tin CHAN] [6. S.S. CHAN] [7. Y.M. CHAN] [8. T.L. CHANG] [9. C.H. CHENG] [10. K.H. CHIU] [11. S.K. CHIU] [12. Denis H.T. Little CHOW] [13. Ricky T.S. CHUNG] [14. Eugene Y.J. FONG] [15.
Victor Ah Chai W.T. FU] [16. K.L. FUNG] [17. K.K. HO] [18. K.C. HO] [19. Alexander K.T. HUI] [20. Eddie Ignatius T.T. HUI] [21. Raymond S.W. KOO] [22. Percival FatMan Y.M. KWAN] [23. Dixon W.S. LAO] [24. C.C. LAU] [25. Paul K.K. LAU] [26. S.Wo LAU] [27. K.H. LEE] [28. Y.W. LEUNG] [29. L.T. LO] [30. Podtaki S.Y. LO] [31. Matthew K.M. MA] [32. Eric W.C. MAN] [33. N.M. NGAI] [34. K.M. NG] [35. K.K. NG] [36. Patrick L.Y. SETO] [37. Howard L.P. SIU] [38. Newton Y.L. WAI] [39. Stephen OneDozen T.S. WAN] [40. Alfred C.C. WONG] [41. T.C. YAN] [42. Stephen K.K. YANG] [43. H.L. YIP] [44. K.C. YU].
[Class Teacher: Miss Christine M.K. (Y.T.) TAI].

Class 1B2:
[1. Alex W.C. AU] [2. C.C. CHAN] [3. H.M. CHAN] [4.
Edward WaterFish K.M. CHAN] [5. Y.T. CHAN] [6. Oscar N.C. CHEN] [7. K.Chi CHENG] [8. K.Chun CHENG] [9. Danny K.Lun CHENG] [10. K.P. CHENG] [11. Edward T.K. CHENG] [12. Donald Ball-Boy N.P. CHEUNG] [13. S.H. CHEUNG] [14. Euston Y.S. CHEUNG] [15. Neo S.H. CHING] [16. David CHU] [17. Colin C.W. DENG] [18. M.K. FUNG] [19. Terrence H.Y. HO] [20. Simon the BigBrother M.T. HO] [21. Eric C.K. HUI] [22. Eddy K.Y. KAM] [23. Dominic T.M. KAN] [24. Charles C.M. LAU] [25. Shun N. LAU] [26. Francis K.M. LEE] [27. Kenneth K.M. LEE] [28. W.K. LEE] [29. K.C. LEUNG] [30. Vanny W.L. LEUNG] [31. Ricky Ah Bill W.C. LIU] [32. James Grandfather Star K.S. LOK] [33. H.K. MA] [34. Alex Ngok Fei K.L. NG] [35. Ngai SO] [36. Simon S.M. SO] [37. John (Tsang-Lo) K.M. TSANG] [38. Leo C.H. WAH] [39. H.K. WONG] [40. K.W. WONG] [41. Alfred W.H. WONG] [42. Eugene Y.C. WONG] [43. Keith (Uncle Leung) W.L. YIP] [44. C.M. YUEN] [45.......

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