Hi ! I'm Patrick F.H. Lai, your friendly WebSite Manager.
I started this mess on 07/19/98 18:02:30, but I have barely done the minimum since then.
(My professor has given me a tough project. Please bear with me.)
I'll try my best to make time for the construction of this WebSite as soon as time becomes available.
E-mail me at patrick.lai@utoronto.ca in the meantime.
Please come back later to visit us.
Class 1A1:
[1. Frederick (TreeBear / Brother Hung) S.H. AU]
[2. Tony Y.T. AU YEUNG]
[3. Jackal FatBond (/Bonnie) K.P. CHAN]
[4. Rocky K.W. CHAN]
[5. Eddie (MoLeung) L.N. CHAN]
[6. Francis T.K. Benedick CHAN]
[7. Vincent Orange W.H. CHAN]
[8. Frederick THX W.S. CHAN]
[9. Alan GarbageWheels K.Y. CHAU]
[10. Matthew Paul BigYear W.N. CHAU]
[11. Clarks Nelson (Newsy) K.L. CHEUNG]
[12. Eric K.S. CHEUNG]
[13. Stephen (JiuLo) S.Y. CHIU]
[14. Carl ("Carol"-king) M.K. CHO]
[15. Tony the MachineMan K.H. CHOW]
[16. Eric LemonCoke L.N. CHOW]
[17. Sylvester S.K. HSU]
[18. Joseph (Hui-mo) M.C. HUI]
[19. Richard S.Y. KWAN]
[20. Raymond (Uncle Ban) C.Y. KWONG]
[21. James the Gorilla W.M. KWONG]
[22. Bobby C.K. LAI]
[23. Patrick F.H. LAI]
[24. Keith 'S+B' K.K. LAI]
[25. Raymond K.G.B. C.P. LAW]
[26. Kam Ho LEE]
[27. Simon Old-Skin K. LEE]
[28. William S.W. LEE]
[29. Eddie (XX) S.L. LEUNG]
[30. John T.C. van Bas-Louie]
[31. Peter Joseph 6-pcs K. LUK]
[32. Kenneth 50-cent H.K. NG]
[33. Larry the Monkey L.Y. NG]
[34. Andy K.M. SO]
[35. Alan the BirdCage / Superman C.L. TANG]
[36. Benny BigTwin T.H. TONG]
[37. Victor SmallTwin T.K. TONG]
[38. Steve (the "Dentist") A.Y. WONG]
[39. Cecil Bananas H.L. WONG]
[40. Alan FatMugg K.H. WONG]
[41. Kenneth FatSheep S.H. WONG]
[42. Siemens (DaiBiHo) K.H. YAM]
[43. Bartle YIP]
[44. Wyman Bruce BrainMarble S.M. YUM].
[Class Teacher: Miss Maria Che On YU].
[Class Camp Photo, circa 1986.]
[Our Second Last (Unofficial) Class Photo, 88April22.][Our Last (Unofficial) Class Photo, 88June26.]
Class 1A2:
[1. Desmond the Goaltender C.K. CHAN]
[2. Steven K.S. CHAN]
[3. K.H. CHAN]
[4. K.K. CHAN]
[5. W.S. CHAN]
[6. C.Y. CHENG]
[7. Grease M.H. CHENG]
[8. Ken K.L. CHEONG]
[9. Jack TallMan C.F. CHEUNG]
[10. T.W. CHEUNG]
[11. Paul Y.K. CHOW]
[12. Edwin Dream W.B. CHOY]
[13. H.N. CHUNG]
[14. Daniel C.K. HUI]
[15. W.C. IP]
[16. Ringo W.K. LAM]
[17. Victor Y.H. LAM]
[18. Lawrence FatBoy F. LAU]
[19. Kenneth W.H. LAW]
[20. W.T. LEE]
[21. Leslie-then-Alex-then-Johnson-then-Basil-then.... K.W. LEUNG]
[22. Alan M.C. LEUNG]
[23. Tommy W.O. LEUNG]
[24. Michael RiceMan M.C. LO]
[25. T.C. LO]
[26. Aldous S.K. Mak]
[27. James C.K. NG]
[28. David K.C. NG]
[29. P.H. NG]
[30. Ray S.F. NG]
[31. Herman C.W. PANG]
[32. Anthony A.Y. SHUM]
[33. Carleton C.C. SUEN]
[34. Gregory Timothy Y.L. TANG]
[35. Albert K.M. TSUI]
[36. Raymond K.M. WAI]
[37. H.W. WONG]
[38. Edward the SquidBoy T.M. WONG]
[39. Samuel the Master W.H. WONG]
[40. Alan W.M. YAN]
[41. Michael W.C. YIU]
[42. Gabriel W.H. YU]
[43. Kelvin the FishKid K.K. YUE]
[44. Ringo (High Court) C.HoBee YUEN].
[Class Teacher: Mr. Alan W.H. LAM].
Class 1A3:
[1. Francis C.P. AU]
[2. K.H. AU]
[3. C.M. CHAN]
[4. Raymond C.W. (Gundam) CHAN]
[5. K.C. CHAN]
[6. K.F. CHAN]
[7. S.P. CHAN]
[8. Y.C. CHAN]
[9. Raymond K.M. CHANG]
[10. Y.M. CHOW]
[11. (Fat) Andy K.C. CHOI]
[12. Victor W.T. CHU]
[13. Eric C.L. CHUNG]
[14. Percival the BusDriver F.K. HO]
[15. Patrick P.C. HO]
[16. Edward the Peking Man HUGH]
[17. K.M. HUI]
[18. Martin (Marlo) S.T. HUI]
[19. Stanley S.H. LAU]
[20. K.O. LEE]
[21. C.P. LEUNG]
[22. Frankie K.T. LEUNG]
[23. P.S. LEUNG]
[24. Y.L. LEUNG]
[25. W.L. LI]
[26. S.P. LO]
[27. Patrick K.C. MA]
[28. Ben P. NGAI]
[29. Randolph K.C. POON]
[30. W.T. SOM]
[31. Jeff K.F. TAM]
[32. Y.L. TANG]
[33. Peter S.F. TSE]
[34. John Bosco C.W. WONG]
[35. Peter C.H. WONG]
[36. K.M. WONG]
[37. Christopher John (Y.M.) WU]
[38. Tony K.M. WU]
[39. W.S. WU]
[40. Clive K.H. YEUNG]
[41. Roger C.H. YIP]
[42. Alan P.K. YIP]
[43. C.W. YU]
[44. H.F. YUEN].
[Class Teacher: Mr. Mark C.K. WONG].
Class 1B1:
[1. C.S. CHAN]
[2. Alan K.C. CHAN]
[3. Petrus K.C. CHAN]
[4. Richard L.T. CHAN]
[5. Wallace Shum Tin CHAN]
[6. S.S. CHAN]
[7. Y.M. CHAN]
[8. T.L. CHANG]
[9. C.H. CHENG]
[10. K.H. CHIU]
[11. S.K. CHIU]
[12. Denis H.T. Little CHOW]
[13. Ricky T.S. CHUNG]
[14. Eugene Y.J. FONG]
[15. Victor Ah Chai W.T. FU]
[16. K.L. FUNG]
[17. K.K. HO]
[18. K.C. HO]
[19. Alexander K.T. HUI]
[20. Eddie Ignatius T.T. HUI]
[21. Raymond S.W. KOO]
[22. Percival FatMan Y.M. KWAN]
[23. Dixon W.S. LAO]
[24. C.C. LAU]
[25. Paul K.K. LAU]
[26. S.Wo LAU]
[27. K.H. LEE]
[28. Y.W. LEUNG]
[29. L.T. LO]
[30. Podtaki S.Y. LO]
[31. Matthew K.M. MA]
[32. Eric W.C. MAN]
[33. N.M. NGAI]
[34. K.M. NG]
[35. K.K. NG]
[36. Patrick L.Y. SETO]
[37. Howard L.P. SIU]
[38. Newton Y.L. WAI]
[39. Stephen OneDozen T.S. WAN]
[40. Alfred C.C. WONG]
[41. T.C. YAN]
[42. Stephen K.K. YANG]
[43. H.L. YIP]
[44. K.C. YU].
[Class Teacher: Miss Christine M.K. (Y.T.) TAI].
Class 1B2:
[1. Alex W.C. AU]
[2. C.C. CHAN]
[3. H.M. CHAN]
[4. Edward WaterFish K.M. CHAN]
[5. Y.T. CHAN]
[6. Oscar N.C. CHEN]
[7. K.Chi CHENG]
[8. K.Chun CHENG]
[9. Danny K.Lun CHENG]
[10. K.P. CHENG]
[11. Edward T.K. CHENG]
[12. Donald Ball-Boy N.P. CHEUNG]
[13. S.H. CHEUNG]
[14. Euston Y.S. CHEUNG]
[15. Neo S.H. CHING]
[16. David CHU]
[17. Colin C.W. DENG]
[18. M.K. FUNG]
[19. Terrence H.Y. HO]
[20. Simon the BigBrother M.T. HO]
[21. Eric C.K. HUI]
[22. Eddy K.Y. KAM]
[23. Dominic T.M. KAN]
[24. Charles C.M. LAU]
[25. Shun N. LAU]
[26. Francis K.M. LEE]
[27. Kenneth K.M. LEE]
[28. W.K. LEE]
[29. K.C. LEUNG]
[30. Vanny W.L. LEUNG]
[31. Ricky Ah Bill W.C. LIU]
[32. James Grandfather Star K.S. LOK]
[33. H.K. MA]
[34. Alex Ngok Fei K.L. NG]
[35. Ngai SO]
[36. Simon S.M. SO]
[37. John (Tsang-Lo) K.M. TSANG]
[38. Leo C.H. WAH]
[39. H.K. WONG]
[40. K.W. WONG]
[41. Alfred W.H. WONG]
[42. Eugene Y.C. WONG]
[43. Keith (Uncle Leung) W.L. YIP]
[44. C.M. YUEN]
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