Boota Roota -Information


August 29, 2001

Its been awhile since the last update to this site but new info and pictures will be coming soon along with some sound files and a new flash intro.

The 2001 line is set ans is very tight for the first week of drills.


April 3, 1999

Spring game '98 is coming on April 24th at 6:00pm. LSU will march 7 snares, 4 tenors, 8 cymbols, and 6 basses. The game is gonna rock since everyone in the drumline has been anticipating this game since the end of last season. The football team didn't do so well last season. Hopefully the Tigers will rip up some teams in '99 and make it to the SEC championships again. Come checkout the line if your around Baton Rouge on Saturday. It's gonna be petty PHAT!

Re-on News

The Spring game went great as exspected and the line, alumni included sounded great. LSU won and the golden band played great. One of the highlights was our march to the stadium. It brought back many memories for us vets, and hopefully inspired some new drummers to come to LSU.


April 29,1999

The Phi Boota Roota IAO spring Banquet is going to be on April 31,1999. We will elect the new officers for the '99 marching season. The new officers will be posted soon so keep checking in.

If you are interested in auditioning for the LSU drumline call the Band office and register your name so we can send you the audition material.Visit the band website also click here