If you would like to post an announcement, send mail to the webmaster.
- 25 August 1998
- The University of the Philippines Alumni Association NSW Chapter is inviting FSSU members
and guests to a luxury coach trip to the Hunter Valley on Saturday, 26 September 1998.
Cost is A$20 per person. Email the webmaster if you are interested.
- 25 August 1998
- Remember to inform any FSSU officer regarding your preference for the venue of the Annual Dinner
tentatively set on Friday, September 25, 1998. You can vote via email.
- 24 August 1998
- Bunk bed for sale! A$150.00 o.n.o. Includes mattresses.
Contact Ronnie "Parekoy" Sto. Tomas at (02)96631414 or email parekoy@hotmail.com.
- 23 August 1998
- Needed: Dining chairs. Contact Ana Corpuz at (02)96622149
or email anac@vodacall.com.au.

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