badguy4's webpage

On this web page you might find some useful things. I hope it's better than some of the other two million Geocities pages, or the billions of personal pages out there. I hope so. It is my first try.

Right, so, anyway, not to be so cliched here, but I suppose moderate introductions are in order. My name is Michael Kadish, I am a 20 year old freshman in Ben Gurion University in Be'er Sheeva, Israel.
I am NOT an Israeli, I am an American. So, why am I have been here for more than a year now...that's a rather long story... basically...I finished high school, and decided to take my year post high school in Israel. I got thoroughly screwed over in a year long B'nei Akiva program called Hachsara.
(I'm not going to tell you to SPAM these people or anything...but I'm putting addresses #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, and #7, and you know, hey, whatever you want to do with 'em is fine by me.[B.A.stards] Anyway, I finished up the year (more or less) with this awful program, the year was over, I was gettig ready to go home, and BAM!, el niņo strikes Jacksonville, Florida. City's in flames, so my parents tell me (falsely, I hear) that asthmatics shouldn't be there, and I should wait another two months before coming back. Which would be fine, except that those two months overlapped college entrance, so I had to go to college here. My year long vacation in Israel has turned into a two year move to Israel. I'm not so thrilled about this fact.

Enough of that. Presenting, my contributions to the web:

(Note: These pages are quite obviously not finished yet. Patience, they will get done.)

A few links for you...

[Live from Stanton, It's Stanton Live]
An e-zine a classmate
put out on the class.
No, I'm not a member... but they're friends of mine... well, I haven't seen them in a while, but I think they're still friends of mine.
Can't forget who sent me here...No matter how hard I try.
[Shalom L'Dorot--You didn't miss much without the graphx]
A mideast peace organization I helped out, who has a good idea but is very screwy, and poorly run. Thus, no website, and no real pic. When they get one, though...
My highschool

[Ben Gurion U.]
And of course, my present college...
Crappy E-zine I used to write for.

Michael Kadish, Badguy4, etc.
"Hello Devil, welcome to Hell." - Inherit the Wind