Click on one of the following selections to be linked to that webpage or document:
Pete McDonald's Humanities Study Guides
(a webpage containing all of my study guides for Geneva College Humanities 110, 111, and 112.
2002-2003 photos are now available to download as MS PowerPoint presentations! Click here!
A Bunch of Other Pictures!!
(click here to see pictures of my family and friends, both at Geneva College and back home in Ohio)!!
Animated Pictures of Friends!!
(Click here to see animated pictures of people from 3rd floor Memorial playing with a potato launcher!! Cool!!)
Will Graver's Website
(click here to see photos of the High School Adventures of me and my friends!!)
Pictures of me!!
(click here to see pictures of me doing stuff, like the picture at the bottom of this webpage).
Click here to see photos of our adventures in Canada!!
Click Here to read my 2000 OSU Summer Research Project Final Report
"Osteoclast-Specific Co-Activators of the
from the Ohio State University's Molecular Genetics Department's Research Experience for Undergraduates Program, OSU MG-REU)