Welcome to Punadise

Very Meagerly edited as of Tuesday 2/8/00

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York is an amazing little high school on highway 68 in Monterey CA.
I was a class of '98 grad, if you have trouble finding this page... remember Highway 68, class of '98.
Neat in a pathetic sort of way, isn't it?

These pages need serious attention, eventually
there'll be pictures of friends new and old, as well as maybe thoughtful sayings or something.
The pages listed below do deserve a looksie though.
Who am I?
Free Puns!
College App Advice
Email me at mityorkie@hotmail.com in the meantime comment or something.
One day I may add to this, but don't bet on it.
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Links to other sites on the Web

Matt's page of friends
my resume is here
where I am
where I was

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