Kappa Gamma's Projects and Services include:
Jabberwock Pageant Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy Mr. Delta Sigma Theta Pageant Adopt-A-Highway Adopt-An-Elderly Walk America: Breast Cancer Relay For Life Adopt-A-Family Lecture on Breast Cancer Lecture on Diabetes Lecture on Self-Esteem Lecture on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Lecture on Clinical Depression Habitat for Humanity
Voters' Registration and Transportation
Chapter Officers for 1998-99 President Renee Williams Vice-President Tonya Smith Secretary Kimberly Anthony Treasurer LaShonda Barker Advisor Barbara Robinson
Links to other sites on the Web
The Inception of Delta Sigma Theta
Famous Ladies of Delta Sigma Theta
Delta Sigma Theta's Official Homepage
Delta Sigma Theta's Unofficial Homepage
Lander University's Homepage
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This page is maintained by Ashaunta Epps. If you have any comments or suggestions, please e-mail me.
© 1997 ashaunta@hotmail.com