Come June and July, the tennis world erupts into ecstacy.The strawberries, the mild english weather and of course the immaculately mowed grass of Wimbledon are a heady mixture for a tennis fan.Simultaneously the city of Bangalore erupts into a carnival.the city,the gardens, the weather and of course BMSCE turns out to be a headier mixture to most Bangaloreans.
But hey, wait a minute! how does BMSCE enter the picture? it's UTSAV time!!! The event all of BMSCE looks forward to each year.Bangaloreans know BMSCE not only for its assembly line of acheivers, its superb campus, its wonderful students, its dedicated staff but also for UTSAV.
UTSAV has in store one heck of a lot of activities like creative writing, public speaking, painting, quizzes and the rest
of the works.this manages to send everyone into a complete tizzy UTSAV reaches its cresendo when the mind blowing power of all the stereo speakers explodes for the rock show.
Ladies and gentlemen,LOOK OUT, UTSAV's here!!!