My in 2006 costumed as Jalisco dancer

Lan Yu's Homepage

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Hola, Amigos, Hi, friends, Pengyou men:

I am a language teacher. I was a teacher of English before and now I am a teacher of Mandarin Chinese.I live in Monterey,California. I got my M.A. degree in Anthropology in 1998 from the University of New Brunswick. Afterwards, I worked shortly as a temp for Exxon and then got my job teaching Chinese at DLI.I am currently Assistant Professor with tenure.

Although I am not working in the field of Anthropology, I still like reading articles and books that are related to the subject and concern myself with current and ancient issues of this world of ours.I am especially interested in the issues of globalization,development and human rights,corporate control of media,indigenous knowledge,mesoamerican studies.

But these are just the areas I am interested, not the areas I am working on. Were I 20 years younger I would like to work on some of them.

My hobbies include digital drawing, dancing ballet folklorico (Mexican folkdance), picking up the Spanish language, biking,books,treasure in trash, et cetera, et cetera.

I have been back to China several times since graduation and visited Mexico in 2004.

For more information please visit .

Me as Teacher

Resume 简历

Transcripts and Degrees, 成绩单

My Teaching Portfolio

My Work Homepage

Sample Academic Writing:

Metalanguage and Translation

My Thesis 硕士论文


Me as Writer

Letters from Americas, my BBC Column

My Collection of Writings in Chinese

My Blog

My prose, some in Chinese, some in English.

My prose, site 2

My Chinese Essays in China Digest

University of New Brunswick publications

Another UNB letter

Another site of my writings

My Poems in Chinese

Poems of the Square Kettle Studio

My Poems in English

Poems Canada

Poems USA

Monterey Poems in Chinese

Monterey Poems in English

Me as Photographer,Artist and Dancer

Photo Exhibition

More Photos at Yahoo

My Art Gallery

More Paintings and Drawings

My Group Dancing

My Ballet Folklorico Group

Email me at here

Hope you enjoyed reading my stuff.

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